The Great Escape: A Girl’s Guide to Leaving a Marriage is a thought provoking, intimate account about how one woman left her marriage. It’s an informative, self-help guide for women either contemplating or going through the divorce process right now. Ms Thomson gives honest advice and tips on related topics including; making the decision, parenting, legal issues, finances as well as the social changes to expect. If you are thinking about ending your marriage, this book is a must read.
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“While examining many different aspects of the emotional turmoil of ordeals of this nature this book touches on the reasonings that focus on the internal struggle to find happiness that many face—and what to do when it is not there? Many aspects of this book serve as a good wake up call for folks to ask themselves what is most important in a relationship—even when all the material comforts are provided as that doesn’t always translate to the comfort found with happiness on the inside. Good book and a good read providing a solid narrative on these ordeals taking a unique, and on point, view of them.”-Stephen Krasner- author
“I highly recommend Lisa Thomson’s book for anyone wanting to know more about leaving a marriage. She offers an honest, detailed, step-by-step guide to help prepare women for the struggles and obstacles that they may face going through the divorce process. These include relatives and friends who may be not be initially supportive or understanding, an ex who might attempt to change a custody arrangement, and financial/legal challenges. I particularly enjoyed the last chapter “Moving Forward’ that focuses on using humor, forgiveness, and gratitude as effective ways to heal and forge a new life post-divorce.” Terry Gaspard-author
“A great book!! You have provided a very helpful insight to those that would be engaging in a very complicated process. You have managed to instill common sense and balance to your analysis of very relevant issues and considerations. Very impressive.” Richard B. Hajduk, Barrister & Solicitor
“The Great Escape: A Girl’s Guide to Leaving a Marriage” is a powerful book by Lisa Thomson that chronicles her experience with divorce and offers pages upon pages of helpful advice to any woman going through, or contemplating divorce. There are chapters devoted to parenting, legal and money matters; all of them exceptionally detailed.While reading about Thomson’s “Great Escape” I felt like I was having a conversation with her over coffee. She doesn’t hold back and tells the truth, which is what women need when they are in a situation where they feel unloved and/or abused. I especially love that Thomson added books and movies at the end of certain chapters as additional “research.” At the end there’s even a list of songs. I remember my mom loved the song “No Scrubs” by TLC when her marriage was at its worse, so I thought the playlist was perfect. I highly recommend any woman who feels unloved and hurt by their spouse, who is wondering if she should take the step toward divorce, to read this book. With a highlighter!”- Chrys Fey-writer
“Thank you for writing this guide. I am 45, a mother of three mostly grown children (22,20,16). My 1st marriage was as an 18 year old, it lasted 1.5 years…I just wanted you to know that you have given me some valuable information and I relate to your story so much and commend you for your courage. “ –Anonymous
“You gotta love a book on divorce that opens with a Shakespeare line, ‘Go to your bosom; knock there, and ask your heart what it doth know.’ Even though Lisa Thomson’s wise and prudent The Great Escape: A Girl’s Guide to Leaving a Marriage is being marketed towards women, some of her counsel—such as how to deal with anger—works for any sane person. It’s about leaving a marriage responsibly, not as a victim, but instead ‘choosing joy.’ A sublime, smart book. “– Alan Twigg, BC Book World
“…I love this section: “How will I know when I have moved on? Because moving on is a process rather than an event, it doesn’t just happen one day where you find yourself saying, ‘Look, I’ve finally moved on.’ Instead it happens every day in small ways until eventually you find months or years have gone by and you have made some significant changes…” All in all, a helpful, informational, and yes, interesting book.” – Beverly Diehl– writer
“Excellent book. The first chapter is inspiring. It’s written well and helps you through the entire process. Highly recommend this as a resource for women” – anonymous reader
“Officially, The Great Escape, is a guide/a book to help maneuver through a difficult part of your life and get through the other side healthier and happier. There are many self help books out there to choose from on this subject but what made me pick up this book was the fact that there was no major terrible event to initiate the separation. For the first time I realized that I didn’t have to feel guilty about thinking this way when there was no affair, no abuse. And as I started reading more, the author became more like a comfortable old friend talking about real things with such candid honesty. There are no perfect solutions, real life is messy, no one side is always right, but Lisa takes it all head on and tackles each issue with integrity, love and passion. It won’t always make you the most popular person with everyone but that is OK as long as you are working towards a more healthier YOU! It is a book that I keep handy. I can pick it up to any page and get a quick little reminder/reinforcement on how to stay strong and focused. Not to mention the detailed information on how to deal with the court system; that is a very helpful chapter. Most importantly, the priority of the kids and the consideration given to them really hit home. How she dealt with her children again with the same openness and honesty and taking the high road even when her heart was aching/breaking when they rejected her in their young confused state. That is hard to do and her sharing parts of this personal journey was very moving. I highly recommend this guide to anyone contemplating a divorce. With this book, in a way, you will not be going through the process alone.”- Veronica Schill
“This is a good book if your in the process of divorcing or thinking about leaving your relationship. There is a lot of things you should do prior to leaving that I didn’t think of but luckily was covered in the book which made things a little easier for negotiations with my Ex. Well written and the author has offered up some great advice on this difficult process.” – Debbie
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