Yikes-500 Writing Prompts

by , on
November 27, 2023
Yikes-500 Writing Prompts

Last year my son and his girlfriend bought me a very thick book titled 500 Writing Prompts. Whew. Not daunting at all…

So I’ve Heard; Writing Prompt

by , on
August 7, 2019
things that are bugging me

This writing prompt from Writer’s Digest asks “Write a story or scene that includes “sound words” that set the scene. What is going on? What do the characters hear, or what sound waves do they feel?”

The objective of the prompt is an exercise to get the writer using onomatopoeia (sound words). I haven’t heard that word since grade school 🙂 This writing prompt motivated me and I know it’s something I should challenge myself to more often for practice.

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