Coming Out of the Marital Closet

by , on
May 23, 2014
coming out of the marital closet

Brokeback Mountain-the film was one of the first to chronicle gay married men

It is estimated that millions of marriages end in divorce when one spouse comes out and admits their true sexual orientation.  Millions!

I am fascinated by this scenario and always wonder what were the signs?  Did she or he have a clue?  When your spouse admits they’re gay after decades of marriage, it must be absolutely devastating for the

My Message to Smug Married People

by , on
April 16, 2014

I’m over at DivorcedMoms venting about one of my pet peeves as a divorced woman.  If you don’t like it when I complain, then you might want to take a look at my very optimistic Spring Kind of Mood.  That post certainly shows my optimistic side :).  But if like me you’ve gone through (or going) a divorce and have experienced smug married people making judgmental comments about us Divorcees, then you won’t want to miss this one.

Telling Your Kids About Your Divorce-Don’t Make These Mistakes

by , on
April 4, 2014

I’m working on a series of videos with ‘bite sized’ tips.  All of the videos will cover topics related to divorce.  I wanted to share one of them here because  it’s a very important topic.  Telling your kids…making that dreaded announcement.  You can guess that we’re not going to say “Honey, your Dad and I have decided to concsiously uncouple.”  No.  Not happening.

Test Your Divorce Savvy-Take the Quiz

by , on
March 10, 2014

20100512-lisa-ling-divorce-300x205There are many false beliefs and stereotypes surrounding divorce.  Let’s separate fact from fiction or at least get a handle on some interesting divorce stats.  Take the quiz and find out if you are divorce savvy.

Time-Where Is Yours Going?

by , on
February 3, 2014

time, don't go so fast


It’s supposed to heal but a moment in time can break you.  It’s the one thing we can’t buy.  There is no price on it because it’s invaluable. Yet we squander it away as if we have forever.  We remember the moments but not necessarily whole days.  Let’s talk about the illusive structure of our lives:  Time

Tick. … Tock.   It’s ticking away while we’re ‘busy making other plans’ (John Lennon).

How Will You Tell Your Story?

by , on
January 27, 2014
What's Your Story?

image; pinterest

AS each  new day unfolds, so does your story.  Will you tell yours?  How will you tell it?  Will it be a comedic play, a romantic novel, a love song, a dramatic film or serious documentary.  Maybe  how isn’t as important as the simple fact

Gossip Defense

by , on
January 6, 2014
gossip girlz

image source

One of the inevitable side effects of divorce is the ensuing gossip.  Yes, little old you become fodder and material for idle gossip.  Whether they’re neighbors, teachers, friends, acquaintances or sports parents your name seems to be on the tip of their tongue.

Parental Alienation

by , on
October 7, 2013
parental alienation

photo source;

One of the most destructive patterns of behavior in a divorce is Parental Alienation Syndrome or PAS as it is known in certain circles.  I hadn’t heard of the term when I separated from my husband but if only I had, I would have seen the red flags flying above my head.  While knowledge is power, I was naive. Even if you are not experiencing PAS, it’s important to understand what it is and at least recognize the signs.

When to Leave a Marriage

by , on
July 7, 2013

Based on this title, it sounds as though I’m going to tell you exactly when you should leave your marriage.  When to leave a marriage is the number one key word search that brings people to my site.  Yet, I haven’t written one blog post to tell you when to leave your marriage because that would be presumptuous.

Everyone faces unique circumstances.  My book however, touches on this very question in the first chapter. The quiz also prompts some hard thinking and

when to leave a marriage

sosurce; Pinterest

Quote of the Week

by , on
June 12, 2013

It’s Wednesday again, already…time for our quote of the week.  Today’s quote isn’t from anyone famous, in fact it is anonymous (as far as I know).  But this just hit me right in the face this morning and I wanted to share it with you…

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