I used to equate grace with ballerinas. Their long legs and perfectly held arms and delicate buns atop their perfect shaped heads, said ‘graceful’. I thought of myself as the polar opposite of the ballet dancer. I had no grace.
I was often called ‘clumsy’ as a child. I still lose my grip sometimes, spilling milk, not to cry over or maybe it’s spilled wine to cry over. Regardless, things get spilled and people cry.
Maybe while we were married we could afford to let a little money ‘go missing’ or be ‘stolen’ from our wallet but things change when we get divorced. If you’re a single parent, you’re likely on a budget or at the very least cognizant of where your pennies are going. Maybe you just want to tighten up your
It’s time again for “Dear Lisa, Reader Question…” I received a good one a few months ago and have been meaning to share it with you. Why? Because the question represents a common problem: A new boyfriend (or girlfriend). Although their intentions are often good, getting involved in the divorce rarely ‘helps’ the situation.
This is not a political post. You’ll notice it is also not tagged under ‘dream guys’. Let’s begin…
Does your ex have anything in common with Donald? It’s a good question. With all the media attention being heaped on Donald, we can’t help but analyze his personality (disorder). Maybe he’s just self centered…who knows for sure. Whatever way you want to look at it, he has several of the signs of a narcissistic personality disorder therefore, he makes a great comparison to what many women claim: Their ex is a narcissist. Let’s take a look at
Why do moms lose custody of their children? Furthermore, how does a mom cope when she loses custody of her children?
Well, there are many reasons it can happen. Addiction, neglect or abuse would be list toppers. In those cases, it makes sense for the welfare of the children. I’ve read blogs written by mothers who have given up their
Before I begin, this is NOT a sponsored post.
So, let’s talk about the ‘M’ word. No one wants to, right? Talking about money in any way, shape or form tends to cause anxiety in most of us. It does in me, I know that. We’re worried we don’t have enough, what we do have is somehow already spent and we won’t have enough in the future.
Today’s post is written and sponsored by Canterbury Law Group out of Scottsdale Arizona.
Their tips are spot on and this is a must read for anyone thinking of ending their marriage…
We all know divorce has become common over the last several decades. Although there may be certain factors associated with divorce that are negative, at least women (and men) today can divorce a spouse and move on to achieve a healthy, happy and thriving future. Women today don’t need to be in a marriage to live a full life; we can prosper on our own.
Maxine is owned by Hallmark but she likes to visit me here
I wouldn’t have ever thought someone would ask me for tips on keeping the household organized during divorce 😉 They obviously don’t know me, right? Well, to be fair I did learn a thing or two about correcting some of my own disorganization during divorce. I guess I am qualified to write this post, after all.
I wrote a post about how to tell the difference between a run of the mill A**hole and a Narcissist. I wrote it about six months ago and it has quickly topped my most popular blog ranking. Yes, there is a difference between an A**hole and a Narcissist and apparently many folks are interested in the subject. Next, I wrote about managing the narcissist in your life. I covered many tips and examples of how to handle the narcissist.
So, now let’s remind ourselves why we are foolish to continue relationships with Narcs and why sometimes even setting boundaries isn’t enough.
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