Have you ever wondered if there are gender differences in narcissists? Well, I wondered that very thing recently so I did a little research. Turns out, narcissists are more alike than different regardless of gender. That said there are a few specific differences in the behaviors of narcissistic men and women.
Religion is a powerful force that aims to project a system of beliefs, to instill faith and community. Often, in any religion you will find traditions and events to mark a ‘coming of age’ or a celebration of accomplishment in that faith. Similarly, wedding ceremonies are conducted in our faith of choice and become one of those celebrations.
image by artist Peter Strain
In the film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, the main character decides to have his memories of his ex erased. These included ALL memories, good and bad. Did he once love her? Absolutely. When she broke it off with him though, the pain was too great to bear and he decides to erase her altogether. (That was after he found out she had done it first)
The narc has some of that ability without the freaky procedure we saw administered in the film. Just to be clear, this film is not about narcissism. It’s a quirky, bizarre love story. It’s the spotless mind reference that has a likeness to what little can be understood of the narcissist’s brain function.
We’re all carrying at least one suitcase with us, day in, day out. It’s our baggage. It’s full of our own personal issues; lies, denial, delusions, past wrongs, blame, hope for the future.
Feeling pissed about Cupid this year? It’s difficult after separation to feel inspired about a day dedicated to love when you feel your heart is broken. But in order to mend your heart, you have to start loving yourself.
“Lisa, you’ve changed.” he said. I wanted to answer;
“Yes, you’ve changed me.” Instead, I simply stared and waited for him to finish his point, which he did not.
I won’t say who said it or when. I will say that it’s been said by more than one person. I will also say that it’s true. I have changed. Since when? I’m not sure…but I have changed. Here’s the thing, I’m a human being. I’m not an inanimate object. If I’m not changing then I must be dead.
It’s okay to change isn’t it?
Why do moms lose custody of their children? Furthermore, how does a mom cope when she loses custody of her children?
Well, there are many reasons it can happen. Addiction, neglect or abuse would be list toppers. In those cases, it makes sense for the welfare of the children. I’ve read blogs written by mothers who have given up their
In my mind I’m not the older woman because I’m 22, don’t ya know? However, the calendar begs to differ. Last year I celebrated my 50th spin around the sun and the number still stuns me, just a little. So, any-who, men have been doing it since the dawn of time. They’ve been enjoying the beauty of much younger women. To the older woman’s vexation, it’s perfectly acceptable—a feather in his cap.
In my mind I’m not the older woman because I’m 22, don’t ya know? However, the calendar begs to differ. Last year I celebrated my 50th spin around the sun and the number still stuns me, just a little. So, any-who, men have been doing it since the dawn of time. They’ve been enjoying the beauty of much younger women. To the older woman’s vexation, it’s perfectly acceptable—a feather in his cap.
I wrote this piece last Spring but have never published it until now. I was moved and inspired by a video made by The New York City Rescue Mission.
With the #1000VoicesSpeakforCompassion movement started by Lizzi Rogers over at Considerings-Life In Silver Linings, I thought now is the perfect time to share it.
It’s not so much about other people’s compassion as it is about my own, that I believe was lacking in the past and still today. It’s about the homeless. It’s also about my own experience and my learned reaction to people on the street. I have a long way to go to be
This post was updated on May 9, 2020.
Have you heard of Scapegoating syndrome? I hadn’t heard of it until I randomly came across this post in my facebook feed; Scapegoating: When You Get Stuck Trying to Outrun Someone Else’s Shadow by Glynis Sherwood. This article answered many questions for me. It solved a mystery that I just couldn’t figure out.
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