Happy Halloween, everyone! From the archives, A Bad Husband Costume for those who missed it the first time around…
I was having my Sunday night telephone conversation with my 17 year old son when I asked what he was going to dress as for Halloween, at school. He told me he was going as a “Bad Husband”. Oh, oh. Was this a latent reaction to his father’s and my divorce? So I asked him where he got the idea and he said on the Internet. Pheeew, not my fault after all. So I asked him what a bad husband looked like. He said he has lipstick marks all over his collar and a pair of panties in his shirt pocket. Ah, infidelity. I chuckled at the ingenious costume idea. Later though, I got to thinking about some other possible “Bad Husband” costumes. I came up with a few ideas;
The Golf Addicted Husband
simply don golf attire and carry the clubs
(Okay, so he makes a little money while he’s playing…)
The Mamma’s Boy Husband
wear a shirt that reads “I’m always right” on the front and on the back it reads “just ask my mom”.
The Gambling Husband
Just carry around a hand of cards and some poker chips
“I lost again!”
The Workaholic Husband
Just carry a briefcase, wear a suit and tie and look dishevelled.
The Ego Husband
attach a cardboard bubble larger than your own head that reads EGO with a teeny tiny cardboard bubble beside it that says ID.
Well, hopefully I got a few smiles. The point is, we’re all imperfect. Some of us are just better at it than others.
Enjoy your Halloween with your ghosts and ghouls, little and big! Wishing all of you single moms that extra burst of energy you will need to get your little ones organized and out on this busy night of celebration!
“Come on Mom! Let’s go before all the candy is gone!”
Do you have an idea for a “Bad Husband” costume? Please share with us!
I just finished my morning coffee on the beach with the eagles, the loons and the less majestic sea gulls. The cooler night air has brought with it a hint of fog on the water. The first sign of the fall season. It’s been a wonderful two weeks with my kids but now we have to say good bye, something I hate.
There is always so much negative coverage, comments, judgments and professional nay-saying about divorce. But what about the positive side of divorce or as I like to call it; the flip side of divorce. There are surprising benefits for both you, and the kids.
Rarely do we stop and examine what can go right during or after divorce. So instead of focusing on the difficulties, expense and strife of divorce, let’s take a few moments to examine the good, the pluses and the long term positive effects of divorce i.e., the BENEFITS.
Starting with the blue stick through to sticky glue, sticky fingers and sticky situations; motherhood has it all. When we decide to have babies we think of it as a destination, a place we’ve come to or a decision we’ve made. But motherhood defined, is a JOURNEY. A beginning, middle and an end that hopefully never comes until it’s our turn to leave this world.
Abuse during divorce is more common than we realize. When we take the step to end our marriage, we extricate ourselves from the marital turmoil only to find ourselves the target of even more abusive behaviors. The ex can become aggressive, verbally abusive, threatening, and sometimes paranoid. The truth is the bigger their ego, the more intensely they react to the end of the marriage or relationship.
Undoubtedly, one of the biggest challenges during divorce and in the initial stages of separation, is parenting. Parenting is a labour of love even in intact homes. However, add divorce and it is riddled with guilt, logistical obstacles, loneliness and tug of war. If you’re experiencing any of this know you’re not alone.
Our favorite; Charlie Brown and his famous tree
One of the most difficult times of the year for divorced and broken families is undoubtedly the Christmas Season. Especially the first couple of years when it is a time for re-building and transitioning the new family unit.
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