It’s hard being a divorcee. We’re a ONE in a world of twos. It’s downright lonely. Eventually, we want to get our toes in the water and begin dating again. We go onto dating sites with hopes of love. It’s only natural. Next thing you know, we’re in a relationship again. It’s wonderful. It’s exciting and we feel like a teenager again. We’re getting a second chance!
This post was updated on May 9, 2020.
Have you heard of Scapegoating syndrome? I hadn’t heard of it until I randomly came across this post in my facebook feed; Scapegoating: When You Get Stuck Trying to Outrun Someone Else’s Shadow by Glynis Sherwood. This article answered many questions for me. It solved a mystery that I just couldn’t figure out.
Undoubtedly, one of the biggest challenges during divorce and in the initial stages of separation, is parenting. Parenting is a labour of love even in intact homes. However, add divorce and it is riddled with guilt, logistical obstacles, loneliness and tug of war. If you’re experiencing any of this know you’re not alone.
The Royal Tenenbaums is a film about family relationships including divorce and separation.
It is one of Wes Anderson’s finest films featuring twisted, kinky, loving, cheated and needy people who make up a mostly neurotic family.
Why would I choose to highlight this film on my blog? Simple. It’s a great example of taking situations related to divorce and making them funny…and…if the Royal Tenenbaums can get through their outrageous problems so can we…
Book Review…i and the Great Divide by Fiona McGlynn
New author Fiona McGlynn has created, with illustrator Robin Urquhart a book that explains divorce for children. i And the Great Divide is a simple and visually appealing book designed to help the younger child understand divorce in their family. The most important message in the book? It’s not your fault…ever. Mom and Dad still love you.
“Dreams are often most profound when they seem the most crazy.” -Sigmund Freud
Whoever said dreams are meaningless was wrong. Do you suffer from nocturnal meanderings that disturb your sleep? Our subconscious thoughts get mixed up with our events of the day to culminate in some pretty strange dreams. During divorce, our daytime events are often full of stress and conflict. What we would like to forget at the end of the day can come back to haunt us in our
There is no more stressful time than during a divorce, except for death. Think about that for a minute. Divorce is a grieving process of sorts.
If you are going through it right now, chances are you’ve let your self care routine slide. There are other more important things to worry about than my hair…you hear yourself say…the children come first, you say…and they do however, if you keep putting yourself last you won’t get through this journey intact.
Happy Mother’s Day to all of you moms out there! Special wishes to the single moms doing it all alone. Single moms are some of the strongest and most determined women in the world.
How do you define motherhood? I remember when I was young and expecting my first child, I was so excited. The anticipation of caring for a tiny human was almost overwhelming.
The bewildering changes in my body as the pregnancy progressed were nothing compared to the changes to come. But ignorance is bliss. I was sure if I had enough hooded towels for baby, everything would be fine. As my baby grew inside me week by week, I was filled with questions. Who would he or she look like? (Knowing the gender prior to birth was rare in the ‘olden days’) Would they be perfect in every way? What would they become? Sometimes I doubted my ability to be a mother.
From the archives; I’m re-posting this one because there is so much of this happening. Many women and some men are dealing with an abusive ex.
Abuse during divorce is more common than we realize. When we take the step to end our marriage, we extricate ourselves from the marital turmoil only to find ourselves the target of even more abusive behaviors. The ex can become aggressive, verbally abusive, threatening, and sometimes
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