10 Tips to Improve Your Post Divorce Christmas

by , on
December 14, 2016


10 Tips to improve your post divorce Christmas
10 Tips to improve your Christmas post divorce, is something I think will help anyone coping with co-parenting issues over the holidays. One of the most difficult times of the year for divorced and broken families is undoubtedly the Christmas Season.  Especially the first couple of years when it is a time for re-building and transitioning the new family unit.  What makes this even harder is having  to let go of old traditions.  Also, Christmas memories from before the divorce are still raw.  Due to these changes in family dynamics, the holidays become a challenge and a tug of war between households.  Neither Mom nor Dad want to be alone during this time and the children inevitably get caught in the middle.

Can We Go Home Again?

by , on
September 1, 2016
Can We Go Home Again?

Memory sketch of the back view of our old home

On facebook the other day, a divorced father and friend of mine (from one of the first divorce support groups I belonged to) posted an interesting set of photos. The status update read “went to see the old house today with the kids. We peeked inside the windows and went in the backyard. I planted that tree and look how big it is now.” He had some of his old photos mixed in with photos he took of the kids beside the tree today. I thought it was really great how he had images of 10 years ago and today, how the kids and trees had grown. Bitter-sweet, I think.

It got me thinking about my recent view of my old marital home, where my babies were born. I didn’t get to walk around and peek in windows. My view was a virtual one. I couldn’t see the back of the house but this sketch is from memory. It’s obvious I’m not an architect 😉 I must practice my sketching skills but I digress.

Dear Lisa, Reader Question

by , on
August 18, 2016

Dear Lisa-Reader QuestionIt’s time again for “Dear Lisa, Reader Question…” I received a good one a few months ago and have been meaning to share it with you. Why? Because the question represents a common problem: A new boyfriend (or girlfriend).  Although their intentions are often good, getting involved in the divorce rarely ‘helps’ the situation.

Author Interview With Tara Eisenhard

by , on
July 19, 2016

author interview with Tara EisenhardI have a treat for you today, Escapees. Grab a coffee and get to know Tara Eisenhard, author of a touching book about divorce from a rare point of view.  The D-Word; Divorce Through A Child’s Eyes is a must read for parents and teens alike.

Recipes—An Arsenal of Love

by , on
July 5, 2016

“Food is an implement of magic, and only the cold hearted rationalist could squeeze the juices of life out of it and make it bland.” -Thomas Moore

fruit salad

For Non-Custodial Moms

by , on
April 23, 2016

for non-custodial momsWhy do moms lose  custody of their children? Furthermore, how does a mom cope when she loses custody of her children?

Well, there are many reasons it can happen. Addiction, neglect or abuse would be list toppers. In those cases, it makes sense for the welfare of the children. I’ve read blogs written by mothers who have given up their

A Look Back, 2015 At The Great Escape

by , on
December 15, 2015

a look back, 2015 I recently saw a post where the host, in review of her site, took the first post of each month of 2015 to look back on the year. I thought that was a fun way to summarize the year on a blog. I’m sorry I don’t have the name of her site…

2015 was an eventful year for me personally as well as here at the blog. One of the things that stands out in my mind is my attempt to take the “Year Of Happy” course. It was a fail. Not that I wasn’t happy in 2015 but around four

Which TV Mom Are You?

by , on
October 13, 2015

When I was scrolling through my facebook feed a while back I came across this question; Which TV mom are you? I had to laugh. Immediately, I chose Lorelei Gilmore, not because of the young and hot factor. I wish. It’s her attitude and general outlook on life I can relate to. But I have to admit I see a little of myself in many of these beloved characters.

Isn’t that the brilliance of the writers who create these characters? They make our problems seem small or they make us say “Oh, so it isn’t just me…”

Let’s take a look at some of these TV moms and you tell me— which one are you?


You’re Christy from Mom if: You’re struggling to pay the bills, your mother lives with you and she likes to party more than you, you’re divorced, had a brief affair with your boss, you’re in rehab, you’re trying your best to protect your children from your crazy mother and other life disasters.

Career Reboot For SAHMs

by , on
July 7, 2015

career re-boot for SAHM'sBack in 2012 I wrote about the challenges of rebooting your career after staying home to raise children or as a SAHM (Stay at home mom). If you haven’t already read What The F Am I Gonna Do Now? please review it as I share important tips about spousal/alimony support that I’m not covering in this post.

During divorce our career or lack thereof, is obviously a top concern. Your ex, his lawyer and most anyone will be asking the inevitable question; “When are you going to get a job?” I know. Rude, right? I thought so, too. What was I supposed to do run out and get a job at McD’s? My ex probably would have enjoyed that however, before going out and grabbing the

For the Good Guys

by , on
May 12, 2015

for the good guysI have been contacted by some really great guys here at the Great Escape blog. One of them said to me last week “I have a strong feeling that many men like myself who could benefit from your words are immediately turned off by the subject and the target audience.” Burrrrrrn.

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