First, I want to wish a Happy New Year to my Escapees! I hope it isn’t too late for that sentiment. What does 2019 have in store for you? Are you being kind to yourself and treating yourself with compassion. Are you turning off your inner critic? I’ve been reading a lot of posts about that very thing lately. And I couldn’t agree more with the importance of being kind not only to others but self.
But that’s not what we’re delving into today. I tricked you there, 😛
Actually, it’s a viewer question. This is one of several contacts I receive after someone watches my youtube video on parental alienation. The comments keep coming over there and some of them quite negative. I’ve had to delete a few and guess which
There are so many parents and children suffering out there from Parental Alienation. It’s tragic. I know this because my you tube video on the subject has too many responses…too many people are relating to this issue. Today, let’s take a look at what’s going on behind the scenes. What motivates the alienator to abuse their children by disapproving of their relationship with the target parent. Hint: Narcissism and PAS are often found in the same scenario…but not always.
One of the most destructive patterns of behavior in a divorce is Parental Alienation Syndrome or PAS as it is known in certain circles. I hadn’t heard of the term when I separated from my husband but if only I had, I would have seen the red flags flying above my head. While knowledge is power, I was naive. Even if you are not experiencing PAS, it’s important to understand what it is and at least recognize the signs.
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