
by , on
June 3, 2020
Photo by Raphael Lovaski on Unsplash

I’m feeling…somber.

George Floyd is yet another victim in a long list of black men and women who have been killed by people who are meant to protect them. The words “I can’t breathe” have become a sickening pattern. Not this again! How can this keep happening? Why is this happening?

Confession: I could not watch the video of his tragic death. I don’t have the stomach for it.

College Entrance Scams & Bad Parenting

by , on
March 15, 2019

college entrance scams and bad parentingWhen the news story broke the other day regarding Felicity Huffman’s and Lori Loughlin’s illegal purchase of their children’s elite education, I was intrigued but not shocked. It’s not surprising to learn (as we have since Trump has been in the Oval Office) the power of money. But is this story simply about the power of money or is it about bad parenting? I guess it’s both.

A Podcast and Interview About Divorce Recovery

by , on
October 19, 2017

Barbara Stevens of Breakup Recovery interviewed me recently, and it is now live on itunes. She asks me on-point questions and you’ll want to hear my answers as I ramble on…

CHECK OUT MY Youtube channel
