Dear Lisa-Reader Question

by , on
August 22, 2017
Dear Lisa-Reader Question

image source; Unsplash by liane metzler

Actually, it’s a viewer question. This is one of several contacts I receive after someone watches my youtube video on parental alienation. The comments keep coming over there and some of them quite negative. I’ve had to delete a few and guess which

Book Review-Allow Yourself To Be a Better Person

by , on
July 19, 2017

book review-allow yourself to be a better personI’ve recently finished reading the non-fiction, self help book,  Allow Yourself To Be a Better Person by Balroop Singh. I felt compelled to share my review with all of my Escapees. Why? Because not only did I love this book but I’m sure you will also find value in Balroop’s wisdom.

Roots and Wings

by , on
March 26, 2017
Roots and Wings

Alana, me and Luke

They say if you raise your children right, you set their roots so they can later grow wings…or something to that effect. I’m thinking upon my son’s one year departure to Australia, that the wings may have grown too large, uplifting those roots. I guess that’s the idea though and no one is to blame

Pissed About Cupid?

by , on
February 14, 2017

“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” – Oscar Wilde

Feeling pissed about Cupid this year?  It’s difficult after separation to feel inspired about a day dedicated to love when you feel your heart is broken.  But in order to mend your heart, you have to start loving yourself.

Goddess To The Rescue

by , on
October 19, 2016
Goddess To The Rescue

image source yoganonomous

Every Saturday I attend yoga class but it’s not just any old yoga class. It’s Goddess class. Our teacher calls on one of the ancient Goddesses during class and has us all join her, while holding our Goddess pose. We may call on Kali to conquer our fears or Aditi to overcome obstacles we are facing. Goddess To The Rescue!

Just look at the power in the Goddess (Fierce) pose (pictured above). The legs, abdominal and arms all firing and increasing blood flow, generating heat and with that our own physical power.

This class is affectionately referred to as ‘Goddess class’ although it’s not named that on the schedule. Our teacher has

Recipes—An Arsenal of Love

by , on
July 5, 2016

“Food is an implement of magic, and only the cold hearted rationalist could squeeze the juices of life out of it and make it bland.” -Thomas Moore

fruit salad

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

by , on
June 7, 2016
what's love got to do with it

image source;

What’s love got to do with it? Everything. Without it, a marriage will wilt like a plant without water. Unfortunately, people think of extreme reasons for divorce like abuse, cheating or stealing. They forget to look at the obvious. It always comes down to love or the absence of it.

LOVE. It’s a simple four letter word but it’s often misunderstood.

What is love to you and what is it to your spouse?

That answer is often different and that’s why it isn’t always enough to say, I must be in love OR you must love me because _______ (fill in the blank).

7 Deadly Signs He’s Not The One For You

by , on
January 7, 2016
7 deadly signs

image source pinterest; photographer name I could not locate.

Forget the sins, let’s talk about the signs. Deadly ones. Meaning if two or more of these are in your relationship then stop, drop and roll it over. In other words, stop any plans for marriage, drop any ideas about long term commitment and roll him gently out the door.

A Look Back, 2015 At The Great Escape

by , on
December 15, 2015

a look back, 2015 I recently saw a post where the host, in review of her site, took the first post of each month of 2015 to look back on the year. I thought that was a fun way to summarize the year on a blog. I’m sorry I don’t have the name of her site…

2015 was an eventful year for me personally as well as here at the blog. One of the things that stands out in my mind is my attempt to take the “Year Of Happy” course. It was a fail. Not that I wasn’t happy in 2015 but around four

We Rise

by , on
November 10, 2015

I saw this quote on facebook the other day and I thought it was so beautiful:

“We rise by lifting others.”

I’m not sure who said it but it sounds very much like the late poet Maya Angelou. I was inspired to paint it on a small canvas to hang somewhere in my apartment…

we rise

We’ll lift one another up but when people push us down, we’ll lift ourselves first.

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