Word of the Year Check-In

by , on
May 10, 2018

I can’t believe we’re well into month five of 2018. Almost half way through another year…and I was thinking back to my promise to live ‘fearlessly authentic’ in 2018. It’s time for a quick check-in to see how I’m doing. You may recall this wonderful image that inspired my whole year;

2018, Here I Am

by , on
January 4, 2018

“Ms. Thomson?…Ms. Thomson?…” Deep sigh  “Is she here?”

“Yes.” Panting from running by the seat of my pants. “Who’s asking?”

“It’s the year 2018…”

“Yes.” Slightly breathless.

“Excuse me?”

“Yes, I’m here now!” Speaking louder. “I’m Ms. Thomson. Or you can call me Lisa—that’s what my friends call me” *smiles beatifically* (I like that word ‘beatific’—in both sound and meaning)

For All The Progress I’ve Made, Did I Just Get Bullied?

by , on
May 31, 2017

After all my progress I just got bulliedThe other day I browsed in a local shoe store after my yoga class. The owner has a unique collection of shoes, boots, sandals and hats. Even so, I hadn’t found my sole mates there, (hehe) until that day.

Art Journaling Therapy

by , on
April 23, 2017

Art journaling is a ‘thing’. Have you tried it yet? I first heard about it a few years ago and was intrigued. There are many ways to do it but pretty much only one reason; therapy. Specifically to mentally unwind, go wild, let go and unlock your creative juices and your emotions.

Cheat Sheet On Chakra Healing

by , on
July 21, 2015
cheat sheet on chakra healing

image source; Tartooful.com

Not long ago, the word Chakra came onto my radar. How did it come up? Well, the store I worked in sold jewelry related to our Chakras.

For example, there is a troll bead (as seen in this image) to represent each Chakra. Trollbeads are glass beads that are designed to be worn on bracelet or necklace.

Alone But Connected #1000Speak

by , on
May 20, 2015

What's Inspiring You?#1000VoicesSpeak for Compassion today and on the 20th of every month. The subject this month? CONNECTION. We don’t always feel it. My first thought on this topic was how often I have felt disconnected but my constant connection has been nature. If you ever feel alone or lonely…

A Shot Of Courage

by , on
May 5, 2015

“Courage is found in unlikely places.”-J.R.R Tolkien

Two things you’ll need to make any major change in your life are a shot of courage and a slice of bravery. Actually, before you even begin to make the changes you’ll need to identify and admit to the necessity of that change. That’s where we especially need a shot of courage and that’s only the beginning. The rest is getting from here to where we want to be.

50 Things I’ve Learned

by , on
September 30, 2014

In honor of my 50th birthday…gulp…I’m sharing my humble list of 50 things I’ve learned in 50 years.  Some things are funny.  Some are things you’ll say “She’s just figured that out now?”  Yes, I’m still figuring things out…so please have a read and a laugh.  I have a special request for you though, before you make too much fun of me, share at least one thing you’ve learned in the comments 🙂

Should You Take Your Name Back?

by , on
March 24, 2014

new beginningsAn interesting topic I tackled over at DivorcedMoms today…  Should or did you go back to your Maiden name after divorce?  First, what’s in a name?  This was famously answered by Shakespeare’s Juliet…”A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”  I beg to differ, Juliet.  We might be the very same person inside but changing our name can change our whole perception.  Why else do actors and musicians take on a ‘stage name’?  To empower themselves…

Be The Bad Girl

by , on
September 2, 2013
Be The Bad Girl

source; Pinterest

One of the most startling changes during my divorce, was my perception of myself. That sounds strange but when I was married I was a good girl.  I was a good wife.  I understood my role and made the best of my marital life.  I played by the rules.  I fulfilled expectations as a soccer mom, school volunteer and as a friend and business wife.  I wouldn’t call myself a trophy wife as that would suggest I spent many hours primping and looking

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