The Divorcee’s Guide to Wedding Season, 10 Tips

by , on
June 12, 2014
the divorcee's guide to wedding season

The Wedding Date

Tis the season…for weddings.  Yay.  Sometimes the last thing we feel like doing is attending a wedding as a single divorcee. The romance, the dancing, the ‘love’ in the air is enough to choke the bitterness right out of us.

Royal Dysfunction

by , on
October 28, 2013

Royal DysfunctionThe Royal Tenenbaums is a film about family relationships including divorce and separation. 

It is one of Wes Anderson’s finest films featuring twisted, kinky, loving,  cheated and needy people who make up a mostly neurotic family.

Why would I choose to highlight this film on my blog?  Simple.  It’s a great example of taking situations related to divorce and making them funny…and…if the Royal Tenenbaums can get through their outrageous problems so can we…

Lisa’s Divorce Movie Countdown

by , on
August 12, 2013
divorce movie countdown

image source

This post has been updated on October 7, 2020.

Sometimes we just need to curl up on the couch with a cup of tea or glass bottle of wine and watch a good movie.  Even better if we can relate to the main character’s situation, dilemma or pain.  It’s time for our Divorce movie count down…


12. Blue Valentine

Ryan Gosling & Michelle Williams-this film is phenomenal and it’s not higher on my list because it is just so damn hard to watch. Their love story is told in flashbacks while we watch these two fall out of love and end in divorce.  Blue Valentine gets top marks for its darkness but don’t watch this if you’re already suffering from depression…seriously…heed my warning

Dear Richard

by , on
July 29, 2013

Dear RichardFrom the archives, one of my favorites;

I can’t think of a better way to spend a rainy day then to pen a love letter.  During divorce we stop believing in love, so bring back that feeling by writing a love letter to anyone of your choice, maybe someone you’ve always admired from afar.  Some say a love letter to yourself

50 Ways to Leave Your Husband

by , on
May 19, 2013

50 ways to leave your husband From the ARCHIVES; I thought we could use a little humor today.  This is tongue in cheek and I first posted this last April.  Someone contacted me and said they were offended that I would suggest leaving a marriage was this simple.  To which I responded “Hey, Paul Simon was the one who said it, not me!”  Also, grab a sense of humor lady…

We can thank Paul Simon for the clever suggestions in “50 Ways To Leave Your lover Husband”.  Paul was one of the best singer, songwriters of his generation.  I remember this song as a child and thinking there was something very unusual about the tune and the lyrics.  It was both catchy and dangerous at the same time…

A Bad Husband Costume?

by , on
October 31, 2011

I was having my Sunday night telephone conversation with my 17 year old son when I asked what he was going to dress as for Halloween, at school.  He told me he was going as a “Bad Husband”.  Oh, oh.  Was this a latent reaction to his father’s and my divorce?  So I asked him where he got the idea

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