This little blog turns 6 today! Wow, where has the time gone? The original post is here and I believe I’ve stayed fairly true to my purpose. That said, I see myself branching out as time goes on. I’m not sure what those branches will be, in all honesty. Maybe more focus on well-being and less focus on specific divorce issues?
This post has been updated from the archives.
Forget about finding love in a hopeless place. That might be okay for the likes of Rhianna. But
what we really need is humor in a hopeless place. So, let’s laugh until it’s funny.
“The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.”-Mark Twain
Have you ever wondered if there are gender differences in narcissists? Well, I wondered that very thing recently so I did a little research. Turns out, narcissists are more alike than different regardless of gender. That said there are a few specific differences in the behaviors of narcissistic men and women.
When things get tough, that’s when you count your blessings. Absolutely. True. Literally nothing can get me down because I have so many good things and people in my life. How can I possibly complain? I can’t.
Before I begin my gratitude list, I must mention I am linking up with Lyndsey, Beth and Charlotte for the What’s Up Weekend Gratitude List.
Here’s my gratitude list;
What are you grateful for today? What’s on your mind?
You can join the blog link-up today by writing your own grateful list, and visiting those blogs as well. Have a great weekend, my Escapees!
Actually, it’s a viewer question. This is one of several contacts I receive after someone watches my youtube video on parental alienation. The comments keep coming over there and some of them quite negative. I’ve had to delete a few and guess which
image by artist Peter Strain
In the film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, the main character decides to have his memories of his ex erased. These included ALL memories, good and bad. Did he once love her? Absolutely. When she broke it off with him though, the pain was too great to bear and he decides to erase her altogether. (That was after he found out she had done it first)
The narc has some of that ability without the freaky procedure we saw administered in the film. Just to be clear, this film is not about narcissism. It’s a quirky, bizarre love story. It’s the spotless mind reference that has a likeness to what little can be understood of the narcissist’s brain function.
image source
Are you inked? If not, are you thinking about getting a tattoo? Are these thoughts connected to an event in your life such as divorce, marriage, death, love?
It’s human nature to want to mark an event with a celebration or a ceremony and sometimes with INK.
We’re all carrying at least one suitcase with us, day in, day out. It’s our baggage. It’s full of our own personal issues; lies, denial, delusions, past wrongs, blame, hope for the future.
Design by ThemeShift.