Unfortunately, I became a sad statistic last Friday, April 2nd. I found myself at a Covid-19 testing site. It wasn’t that long ago that I would drive by such a site, and see the cars lined up and wonder just how sick were those people to wait in line for an awful test? Now I was one of those people and I knew just how sick I was to get in my car and drive there.
First, let me just say this isn’t a post about how to know if you are an empath. I just want to express the problems I’ve experienced as an empath myself and offer tips for those of you who are feeling especially tapped out right now.
Empaths are vulnerable to abusive people who take advantage of their good nature and well of compassion. Empaths are far from perfect and are often told they are too sensitive.
We’re in this thing together…
It’s hard to not panic when you read or hear the word PANdemIC. It has the word built right in. Pandemic definition: “an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an exceptionally high proportion of the population : a pandemic outbreak of a disease.”
unknown source
It’s no secret that going no-contact from the narcissist in your life is the ultimate solution to taking your life back. Taking back your power that has been stolen by a narcissist isn’t easy but it is necessary to allow yourself to get on with your life and begin healing. But not everyone is in a position to go no contact.
Incidentally, in case you’re wondering if the Six Degrees is a play on words, it is. It’s based on the theory that we are all separated by only six people. So, by the time we get to a seventh (random) person, the chances are pretty good that we know someone in common. But I’ve digressed. Suffice to know that we can also choose to separate ourselves by degrees. Comes in handy when we have a narcissist in our life…
Feeling Overwhelmed? Self care is always in vogue but I can’t think of a more urgent time than now, to take care of our body and mind. Following the news, specifically in the U.S., can cause our heart rates to speed up, stress hormones to release and trigger all kinds of negative energy. Now, more than ever we really need to remember the importance of self care. I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know but consider this a strong reminder.
The darkness is falling simultaneously with more violence and political unrest. Although we cannot ignore it, too much focus on this causes sadness and energy depletion. So, today let’s look at how to take care of our own spirit to ensure we can continue taking care of the ones we love and get the most out of life.
I can’t believe we’re well into month five of 2018. Almost half way through another year…and I was thinking back to my promise to live ‘fearlessly authentic’ in 2018. It’s time for a quick check-in to see how I’m doing. You may recall this wonderful image that inspired my whole year;
Can we talk about the hot flashes, ladies? I should invite the men to weigh in as well. I believe men experience them too but maybe not as intensely. When these first began, I didn’t even realize it was really a hot flash, per se. Every night around 10 pm I would warm right up and have to take off my sweater or a layer. I just thought the room had warmed up for some odd reason.
“Ms. Thomson?…Ms. Thomson?…” Deep sigh “Is she here?”
“Yes.” Panting from running by the seat of my pants. “Who’s asking?”
“It’s the year 2018…”
“Yes.” Slightly breathless.
“Excuse me?”
“Yes, I’m here now!” Speaking louder. “I’m Ms. Thomson. Or you can call me Lisa—that’s what my friends call me” *smiles beatifically* (I like that word ‘beatific’—in both sound and meaning)
It’s no secret that the initial stages of divorce prove to be the most dangerous time in a woman’s life. Yet, we tend to remain positively naive. That makes sense of course, because we’re going through so much for the first time and we are unaware of the hidden or subtle vulnerabilities.
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