Well, we’re winding down another year, Sleevers! It’s been one of the most challenging for all of us but we’re still here and finding silver linings has never been more important.
In closing out the year, I’ve put together an uplifting, emotional and empowering playlist for The Wine Diaries-Musings On Divorce Paired With Wine. And believe me when I say, I took my time making this playlist. I went back and removed songs and
“Are you lonesome tonight? Do you miss me tonight?”
The words to that old Elvis song always tug at my heartstrings. I picture my grandmother mending socks, humming along to this song playing on her kitchen radio. She became a widow quite young. She wasn’t even 60 yet. She lived alone until the day she died (excluding her final years in a care home).
One of the hardest adjustments during divorce, is finding yourself alone. Alone. Just that simple word conjures up all kinds of not so nice feelings. When you’re alone, is it because no one wants you?
Sit down, relax and pour yourself a glass of vino.
You may recall, that I mentioned The Wine Diaries-Musings On Divorce Paired With Wine would be published in late autumn 2018. Well, that hasn’t happened. It isn’t because of procrastination so much as letting the manuscript mellow along with further wine tasting. Essentially, it’s a little wine with whine…
10 Reasons Why you should watch The War of The Roses again or for the first time.
“Don’t try to ever compete with a woman when it comes to love or revenge.” lawyer, Gavin D’Amato (Danny DeVito)
I saw the “War of The Roses” back in 1989 and I really didn’t get it. I had been married for two years. A whole two years! How could I even begin to understand this masterpiece?
unknown source
It’s no secret that going no-contact from the narcissist in your life is the ultimate solution to taking your life back. Taking back your power that has been stolen by a narcissist isn’t easy but it is necessary to allow yourself to get on with your life and begin healing. But not everyone is in a position to go no contact.
Incidentally, in case you’re wondering if the Six Degrees is a play on words, it is. It’s based on the theory that we are all separated by only six people. So, by the time we get to a seventh (random) person, the chances are pretty good that we know someone in common. But I’ve digressed. Suffice to know that we can also choose to separate ourselves by degrees. Comes in handy when we have a narcissist in our life…
image source Pinterest
As we all know, it’s difficult to initiate divorce. Imagine what it was like over one hundred years ago?
In order to get a divorce in Canada back in 1890’s to 1920’s, you had to apply to the Canada Gazette. This required the petitioner to disclose and publish for all to see, details of the demise of the marriage. Not until six months passed would the divorce be considered by Parliament (which would pass an “Act of Divorce”) nullifying the marriage.
Now, imagine being married to an abusive alcoholic with two small children in the late nineteenth century? That was exactly the position Priscilla, the original Escapee, found herself in. Her younger sister also lived in
image source Unsplash by Christopher Harris
I’m re-posting an updated, yet classic from the archives.
One of the biggest changes during divorce is losing the marital home, which I have written about before here.
It’s a loss that isn’t easy to swallow for many couples who have taken pride in their home. Dare I say, they’ve considered their home something of a status symbol or a page out of a decorating magazine? That will all change. You’ll see though, that what really matters isn’t the shell of a home but who and what is inside it.
Okay, so this wasn’t so much a question as it was a comment. Sometimes people simply want to share their story but without seeking advice. However, Penniless makes for a great case study, if you will, on divorce and what can go wrong and how to fix it.
At the risk of sounding smug, I’d like to warn of these common divorce mistakes (a few that I’ve made myself). These are only a sampling of many mistakes we make but I’ve narrowed it down to the top five. So, this is a quick and dirty list of what not to do during your divorce.
A list of ten things seems to be a nice way to reflect on complex issues. You can check out my previous post listing 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before My Divorce. Although today’s list is similar, I wanted to emphasize some new points.
It’s like my older self is telling my younger (about to get divorced) self, what to expect.
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