It’s been a while since I’ve done a quote of the week. I was going to review the movie “Cake” with Jennifer Aniston here at the blog but when I watched the trailer it looked too depressing. Don’t let the title fool you, it isn’t fluffy and sweet. So, I didn’t go. If you’ve seen the movie let me know your thoughts on it in the comments. Instead today’s post is short & sweet. I want to share this quote:
One of the most challenging experiences for me during my divorce, was simply dealing with lawyers, attending meetings, discoveries, examinations and finally trial.
It can be intimidating to say the least. It’s one thing to sit with your own lawyer in their office but very different to sit across from your ex and his lawyer in a conference room. Add a court reporter, recording devices, piles of documents and know that you’re going to be grilled by a lawyer any moment, and you start to sweat.
We hear about bullies on the playground. We worry our child will get bullied at school or even worse, we worry our child will be the bully. But bullying is something that goes on throughout our lives. It doesn’t end on the playground. We can experience it in the workplace, in a relationship, in a friendship and most likely in a divorce. Yes, there are such things as divorce bullies.
As promised, this is Part 2 of the Narcissist subject. If you missed Part 1 then you can read it here. We discussed the difference between a run of the mill A**hole and a Narcissist in Part 1.
Understanding the differences and similarities can help us put the personality disorder into perspective and reduce our inclination to label people including our exes. Before embarking on this post we need to understand that we all have some narcissistic qualities but it is the extreme Narcissistic personality that we discuss here.
It is estimated that millions of marriages end in divorce when one spouse comes out and admits their true sexual orientation. Millions!
I am fascinated by this scenario and always wonder what were the signs? Did she or he have a clue? When your spouse admits they’re gay after decades of marriage, it must be absolutely devastating for the
Are you inked? If not, are you thinking about getting a tattoo? Are these thoughts connected to an event in your life such as divorce, marriage, death, love? It’s human nature to want to mark an event with a celebration or a ceremony and sometimes with INK.
I’m over at DivorcedMoms venting about one of my pet peeves as a divorced woman. If you don’t like it when I complain, then you might want to take a look at my very optimistic Spring Kind of Mood. That post certainly shows my optimistic side :). But if like me you’ve gone through (or going) a divorce and have experienced smug married people making judgmental comments about us Divorcees, then you won’t want to miss this one.
I’m working on a series of videos with ‘bite sized’ tips. All of the videos will cover topics related to divorce. I wanted to share one of them here because it’s a very important topic. Telling your kids…making that dreaded announcement. You can guess that we’re not going to say “Honey, your Dad and I have decided to concsiously uncouple.” No. Not happening.
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