When You Feel Lost-Lisa’s Divorce Support Round-up

by , on
February 4, 2016

When You Feel AloneWhy feel lost when we’re all here, your on-line supporters and friends? Lisa’s divorce support round-up promises to offer something for every kind of divorce; high conflict, co-Parenting with a jerk, looking for love, having trouble dealing with your off the charts, emotions? I could go on and on because the issues we face during divorce are infinite in their variety.

The Christmas Prep Roundup

by , on
December 8, 2015

blue christmasThe C word is back. Are you ready? I’m not. At. All. So, I thought a Christmas Prep roundup would be just the thing for us today. Let’s get inspired, started or finished with Holiday preparations. Usually by this time in December, I’ve done some shopping, wrapping and have the tree

Behind Parental Alienation

by , on
October 27, 2015
Behind Parental Alienation

image source; creative commons

There are so many parents and children suffering out there from Parental Alienation. It’s tragic. I know this because my you tube video on the subject has too many responses…too many people are relating to this issue. Today, let’s take a look at what’s going on behind the scenes. What motivates the alienator to abuse their children by disapproving of their relationship with the target parent. Hint: Narcissism and PAS are often found in the same scenario…but not always.

Memories Are Closer Than They Appear

by , on
September 22, 2015

Do you hang on to those negative memories a little too long? Wishing they had been different. Maybe wishing you had been different—said something different? I do. I try not to but there I go…remembering stuff again. Sometimes these memories pop up at the weirdest times, lurking and waiting to own my mind once again.

Divorce and Birthdays- An Emotional Mix

by , on
November 25, 2014
kids birthday cake

image source; littlebowsweetsblogspot.ca

There was nothing more painful than the kid’s birthdays during divorce.  Will they be with mom or dad and what do they want to do? If you’re in the wrong week according to the custody schedule, you may not get to see them on their special day.  It can feel ‘all wrong’ especially when you were the stay at home mom who planned all the previous parties.

Managing the Narcissist

by , on
October 7, 2014

As promised, this is Part 2 of the Narcissist subject. If you missed Part 1 then you can read it here. We discussed the difference between a run of the mill A**hole and a Narcissist in Part 1. 

Understanding the differences and similarities can help us put the personality disorder into perspective and reduce our inclination to label people including our exes. Before embarking on this post we need to understand that we all have some narcissistic qualities but it is the extreme Narcissistic personality that we discuss here.

Telling Your Kids About Your Divorce-Don’t Make These Mistakes

by , on
April 4, 2014

I’m working on a series of videos with ‘bite sized’ tips.  All of the videos will cover topics related to divorce.  I wanted to share one of them here because  it’s a very important topic.  Telling your kids…making that dreaded announcement.  You can guess that we’re not going to say “Honey, your Dad and I have decided to concsiously uncouple.”  No.  Not happening.

Co-Parenting Challenges & Tips

by , on
March 2, 2014

Undoubtedly, one of the biggest challenges during divorce and in the initial stages of separation, is parenting. Parenting is a labour of love even in intact homes.  However, add divorce and it is  riddled with guilt, logistical obstacles, loneliness and tug of war.  If you’re experiencing any of this know you’re not alone.

Parental Alienation

by , on
October 7, 2013

parental alienation

photo source; children-and-dvorce.net

One of the most destructive patterns of behavior in a divorce is Parental Alienation Syndrome or PAS as it is known in certain circles.  I hadn’t heard of the term when I separated from my husband but if only I had, I would have seen the red flags flying above my head.  While knowledge is power, I was naive. Even if you are not experiencing PAS, it’s important to understand what it is and at least recognize the signs.

Blue Christmas?

by , on
December 11, 2011

blue christmas

Our favorite; Charlie Brown and his famous tree

One of the most difficult times of the year for divorced and broken families is undoubtedly the Christmas Season.  Especially the first couple of years when it is a time for re-building and transitioning the new family unit. 

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