I can’t believe it. It’s my tenth Blog-giversary! Ten years of blogging here at lisathomsonlive. Notice how the word ‘giver’ is found in this term bloggiversary. It’s fitting, isn’t it? We bloggers give a ton. Words, ideas, solutions, time…Time does fly while you’re having fun. Best of all, fellow bloggers who have become my online friends have enriched this whole blogging thing.
Welcome to a new decade, my friends. This whole new year thing kind of snuck up on me. I know I say that every year but when it hit me upside the head that a whole new decade was starting…well, I began to question my goals here at the blog.
“And what does January hold? Clean account books. Bare diaries. Three hundred and sixty-five new days, neatly parceled into weeks, months, seasons. A chunk of time, of life…those first few notes like an orchestra tuning up before the play begins.” ~ Phyllis Nicholson from Country Bouquet (1947)
image; Jan’spageofawesomeness tumblr
It’s mid-September already and we’re fast approaching autumn equinox. The cooler days, the turning leaves, cozy blankets and sweaters, corn on the cob, fresh picked apples, and warm cider are just a few of my favorite things.
It’s also a time for changing things up. So, how do you like the new look of lisathomsonlive? I hope you do as much as I. Take a moment to look around and if there’s anything out of place or hard to navigate give me a shout via email or here in the comments.
Help me out here, guys. I’ve been on Instagram since 2011. I’ve noticed many changes over the last seven years. I’m not a fan of those changes, or maybe I just don’t get it.
My account was public at first but in 2014 I changed it to private. My thinking was, I was basically
Hey friends, how is your summer experience? Remember two summers ago, I wrote about frolicking in your bikini? Well, I’ve actually done that this summer so can say I’m experiencing IT. Good old Hilda knows how! If you don’t know what I’m talking about, read no further before clicking the above link.
So, checking in with my July goals re-cap;
A look back at 2017 here on the blog is always a fun way to end the year. I re-cap the first post I published from January to December for the year ending—2017. I often lament about time being elusive. This can’t be more profound than at the end of another year and the fresh beginning of a new one.
This little blog turns 6 today! Wow, where has the time gone? The original post is here and I believe I’ve stayed fairly true to my purpose. That said, I see myself branching out as time goes on. I’m not sure what those branches will be, in all honesty. Maybe more focus on well-being and less focus on specific divorce issues?
When things get tough, that’s when you count your blessings. Absolutely. True. Literally nothing can get me down because I have so many good things and people in my life. How can I possibly complain? I can’t.
Before I begin my gratitude list, I must mention I am linking up with Lyndsey, Beth and Charlotte for the What’s Up Weekend Gratitude List.
Here’s my gratitude list;
What are you grateful for today? What’s on your mind?
You can join the blog link-up today by writing your own grateful list, and visiting those blogs as well. Have a great weekend, my Escapees!
Last year I rounded up a ‘look back’ at The Great Escape blog. It was interesting to see a year in the life of this little blog, so I’m doing the same here with a slight twist. We’ll end on my (and your) hopes for 2017. My theme for the year is building a dream…a year to build a dream on…because why not?
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