5 Self Care Habits To Do At Home

by , on
November 6, 2018

Feeling Overwhelmed? Self care is always in vogue but I can’t think of a more urgent time than now, to take care of our body and mind. Following the news, specifically in the U.S., can cause our heart rates to speed up, stress hormones to release and trigger all kinds of negative energy. Now, more than ever we really need to remember the importance of self care. I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know but consider this a strong reminder.

The darkness is falling simultaneously with more violence and political unrest. Although we cannot ignore it, too much focus on this causes sadness and energy depletion. So, today let’s look at how to take care of our own spirit to ensure we can continue taking care of the ones we love and get the most out of life.

Spring Style Update for a Goddess

by , on
May 2, 2017
spring style update for a goddess

image source; necessaryclothing.com

This is not a style blog but it is a Goddess blog. There are no affiliate links just some fun style talk here.

So, April the first full month of spring season kind of came and went quickly for me. there were highs and lows this month which I suppose sped time up.

5 Tips To Cure Insomnia

by , on
December 7, 2016
5 tips to cure insomnia

image source; unsplash

Insomnia is a common problem during divorce. Any time of stress actually, can cause a bad case of insomnia. There’s nothing worse than losing sleep, especially when it’s over things we can’t control. In hopes to alleviate the problem for anyone experiencing insomnia now, I’ve put together five quick tips to help plus a bonus tip. Some are tried and true (no caffeine in the evening) and some are my own remedies (keeping a notebook on my nightstand).

Goddess To The Rescue

by , on
October 19, 2016
Goddess To The Rescue

image source yoganonomous

Every Saturday I attend yoga class but it’s not just any old yoga class. It’s Goddess class. Our teacher calls on one of the ancient Goddesses during class and has us all join her, while holding our Goddess pose. We may call on Kali to conquer our fears or Aditi to overcome obstacles we are facing. Goddess To The Rescue!

Just look at the power in the Goddess (Fierce) pose (pictured above). The legs, abdominal and arms all firing and increasing blood flow, generating heat and with that our own physical power.

This class is affectionately referred to as ‘Goddess class’ although it’s not named that on the schedule. Our teacher has

Frolicking In Your Bikini

by , on
July 23, 2016
Frolicking in

pin up girl Hilda by Duane Bryers

Say what? I know it’s the middle of summer and if you’re like me, you’re still shy about frolicking in your bikini. Last weekend on a hot sunny July afternoon, my Beau and I were sitting at the beach before we went out to dinner. We weren’t dressed to swim or frolic that afternoon but we sure enjoyed watching everyone else do so. I got the most pleasant surprise of the summer right there on the beach. It’s not what you think…

The First Day of May

by , on
May 1, 2016

the first of mayIt’s the beginning of  a new month and not just any month. It’s one of the best of twelve—May. It’s officially spring weather. The storms are over. 

Divorce With Style

by , on
November 17, 2015

Madonna-image source gilsproducitonblogspot

If you’re going to go for it you might as well do it in style. Yup, divorce style. I’m not talking about clothing either. This isn’t a fashion blog. Sometimes I wish it was. Then I could talk about shoes, hand bags, make up, cashmere vs. silk (which I have the odd time). Instead, I talk about lawyers, divorce law, parental alienation, bullies,

In Praise Of Older Women, With Younger Men

by , on
June 30, 2015

In Praise of Older Women, With Younger MenIn my mind I’m not the older woman because I’m 22, don’t ya know? However, the calendar begs to differ. Last year I celebrated my 50th spin around the sun and the number still stuns me, just a little. So, any-who, men have been doing it since the dawn of time. They’ve been enjoying the beauty of much younger women. To the older woman’s vexation, it’s perfectly acceptable—a feather in his cap.

In Praise of Older Women, With Younger MenIn my mind I’m not the older woman because I’m 22, don’t ya know? However, the calendar begs to differ. Last year I celebrated my 50th spin around the sun and the number still stuns me, just a little. So, any-who, men have been doing it since the dawn of time. They’ve been enjoying the beauty of much younger women. To the older woman’s vexation, it’s perfectly acceptable—a feather in his cap.

Are Our Fashion Mistakes Like Our Men?

by , on
November 18, 2014

men and fashion mistakes

image source pinterest

We think it’s the right dress for us. We loved that color at the time…but now looking back at an old photo we wonder “What was I thinking?”

Huge shoulder pads, ‘pleather’ pants, floral material at the bottom of our bell bottom jeans.  Pea green skirts and dresses to match our appliances.  Stirrup pants with white boots? Onesies—oh they’re back, baby but you won’t catch me in one.  How about the Grunge era? Did you have a man to match your baggy plaid shirt, Doc Martins and greasy hair?  Kurt Cobain was kind of hot.

A Spring Kind of Mood

by , on
April 10, 2014
spring kind of mood

spring kind of mood

This post has been updated 3/4/21.

Springtime in my neighborhood is full of pinks, greens and yellows beginning in late March.  Here’s a little Spring time mood for all of you.  Has Spring sprung for you yet?  If not, I hope these images will put a little ‘Spring’ in your heart today…

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