Today’s post is written and sponsored by Canterbury Law Group out of Scottsdale Arizona.
Their tips are spot on and this is a must read for anyone thinking of ending their marriage…
We all know divorce has become common over the last several decades. Although there may be certain factors associated with divorce that are negative, at least women (and men) today can divorce a spouse and move on to achieve a healthy, happy and thriving future. Women today don’t need to be in a marriage to live a full life; we can prosper on our own.

image source; Pinterest
If you are thinking about divorce, the best approach often coincides with strategy. Of course, this depends on your unique situation. If you are in an abusive relationship or fear for your safety in any way, a swift exit may be your best option. Personal safety is your number one concern. Once safety is attained through new living arrangements, the next stage can begin: Strategy.
Planning for a divorce makes you proactive. I have divorce planning tips from the Scottsdale divorce lawyers at Canterbury Law Group. Their litigation team handles all types of divorce cases and they offer sound advice for those contemplating ending a marriage.
Divorce Planning tips;
- Be ready for the economic battle ahead; many divorces become war-like. You want to know the pros and cons of your case and the results which can or cannot be achieved, and then prepare accordingly.
- Do your research first. Consult with several attorneys in your area. Many lawyers offer one-time complimentary consultations where you can evaluate if you fit with your lawyer and many communities have programs that offer free or reduced-price legal aid. The Scottsdale divorce lawyers at Canterbury also offer a complimentary consultation for new clients.
- Consider timing. If your spouse is expecting a bonus or pay raise, wait before filing to avoid any claim that it is/was not shared property. If you have been in long-term marriage, sticking it out to the 10-year mark assists in procuring your share of your spouse’s social security income at retirement age.
- Become a vital financial partner now. Be sure your name is on all financial documents such as bank accounts, investment accounts and deeds. Be sure that a joint signature is needed for any change. Also meet with your accountant to understand tax consequences and other issues related to real property, stocks, retirement plans, etc.
- Discover and /or identify all family assets. Although both spouses must disclose all assets during litigation, individuals are often less than forthcoming. The Scottsdale divorce lawyers at Canterbury Law Group are particularly well suited to finding hidden accounts, both domestic and offshore, either before or after filing the case.
- Protect yourself and your future. You will need your own personal credit to start over and you’ll likely open a new credit card. Also start saving your money well before you file, ideally cash.
Although divorcing your spouse can be an extremely difficult and emotional process, it can also be the first step in improving your life and opening up the door for future happiness. For more legal information, visit
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July 15, 2020 at 1:53 amProtect yourself with a proper lawyer that can help and defend your side properly with the right knowledge and skills.
Rachel Frampton
February 7, 2020 at 5:18 amMy husband and I are planning to get a divorce due to irreconcilable differences. That’s why I’m currently looking for a family lawyer who’ll be able to help me out with this case. Thank you for this; I’ll make sure to identify all family assets and see to it that my husband will disclose all assets during litigation.
Penelope Smith
October 10, 2019 at 7:41 pmMy cousin is thinking about getting a divorce. It is good to know that she should think about being ready for a battle. She should get a good lawyer to help her out with that.
Sam Gibson
July 1, 2019 at 12:21 pmYou make an excellent point about how you’ll want to know the pros and cons of your divorce case and the possible results that may occur. Finding an experienced attorney who specializes in divorce seems vital to know this kind of information ahead of time. I would also assume that having an experienced lawyer might also help alleviate some stress during a very difficult time.
Kelly Hashway
September 8, 2015 at 3:47 amThis sounds like very good advice for anyone in this situation. While I haven’t gone through it, I know others who have.
September 8, 2015 at 1:19 pmSolid advice, right there. Thanks, Kelly 😉
September 7, 2015 at 5:50 amTHIS is such important information. I needed this. Twice. haha.
September 8, 2015 at 9:18 amYes, indeed. Me, too Michelle. I’m not sure how we did it without all of this online information at our fingertips. 😉 We’re the warriors.
Vanessa D.
September 5, 2015 at 6:20 am“Women today don’t need to be in a marriage to live a full life; we can prosper on our own.”
I love the way you’ve worded this. It’s something I believe in and I wish for every woman to believe in themselves and that they can prosper after divorce.
I remember the months of anxiety I went through before my eventual split with my husband. There were so many sleepless nights while what if’s tumbled through my head. I think it’s so great that you offer this advice.
September 5, 2015 at 10:22 amExactly, Vanessa. I agree. These are the lawyer’s words and I find them empowering. Ya know, I think it’s the months (sometimes years) leading up to the separation that are the hardest. What if’s can drive you mad.
Vanessa D.
September 5, 2015 at 9:44 pmEven for the kids, those years leading up to divorce are the hardest.
For me once it was all said and done, on the day he moved out my stomach still plummetted. I was still thinking “Really Vanessa? Is this really what you want?” But you know in the end, it was so much better and not just for me!
I’m on my own and happy about it! He’s quit drinking and found a wonderful woman who makes him happy and more at the same time!
I don’t regret suffering the anxiety over my decision because it isn’t one to take lightly. In the end though, I do feel I made the right decision for all four of us.
September 6, 2015 at 9:29 amThat’s awesome, Vanessa. Thanks for sharing because it will inspire other women struggling with their decision. I absolutely agree that it’s not a decision we take lightly. I believe the hardest decisions are often the best ones we make. Hard decisions come with anxiety and a little fear but with courage, they always turn out for the better.
Marcia @ Menopausal Mother
September 4, 2015 at 7:14 pmA lot of good tips here. Hopefully I won’t need them any time in the future but I DO have a close friend going through a divorce right now, I’ll pass this along to him.
September 5, 2015 at 10:20 amHi Marcia, I’m sure you won’t need this. Thank you for sharing it though!
My Inner Chick
September 4, 2015 at 12:37 pmLisa,
your voice is powerful and needed.
I so much appreciate you.
xx love from MN.
September 4, 2015 at 1:01 pmThank you so much Kim! Xoxo
Chrys Fey
September 4, 2015 at 8:48 amGood advice! I’m going to have to pass this on to two women I know going through a divorce right now. Thanks for sharing!
September 4, 2015 at 9:56 amGreat idea, Chrys. Thanks for sharing! Much appreciated.