Dear Lisa-Reader Question

by , on
July 3, 2014

Dear Lisa-Reader QuestionI get some pretty interesting questions coming in from readers and site visitors.  I thought why not share them on the blog once a month?  Everyone can benefit from a little extra information and I’m sure you will relate to selected questions.  Please note, I do not give legal advice nor do I disclose the person’s real name. So, welcome to Dear Lisa-Reader Question of the Month;

Plenty of Fish In the Sea? Watch Out for Sharks

by , on
June 24, 2014
plenty of fish in the sea? watch out for sharks

plenty of fish in the sea? watch out for sharks10 Red flags that indicate your new man is a SHARK and NOT a fish.

Divorced women become unwitting prey for sharks skimming along just below the surface. They’re under the radar with their fin and teeth well hidden.  They’re floating in bars, restaurants, social media and dating sites.

Anger is the New Black-Expressing Anger Positively

by , on
June 18, 2014
Anger is the New Black

image source;

I’m over at Divorced Moms today talking about anger.  I’m calling it the ‘New Black’.  Why?  For so long women have been raised to be the nice one.  The nurturer.  That’s all good except when things go terribly wrong.  What happens in life when events, situations or people trigger anger?  Well, they didn’t teach us that did they?  They thought

The Divorcee’s Guide to Wedding Season, 10 Tips

by , on
June 12, 2014
the divorcee's guide to wedding season

The Wedding Date

Tis the season…for weddings.  Yay.  Sometimes the last thing we feel like doing is attending a wedding as a single divorcee. The romance, the dancing, the ‘love’ in the air is enough to choke the bitterness right out of us.

The Liebster Award

by , on
May 29, 2014
the liebster award

Well, look at me winning a blogging award.  Thank you to Chrys Fey of Write With Fey, who nominated me for the lovely Liebster Award.  The award is for the smaller blogs.  So, forget the big guys for a minute…

Coming Out of the Marital Closet

by , on
May 23, 2014
coming out of the marital closet

Brokeback Mountain-the film was one of the first to chronicle gay married men

It is estimated that millions of marriages end in divorce when one spouse comes out and admits their true sexual orientation.  Millions!

I am fascinated by this scenario and always wonder what were the signs?  Did she or he have a clue?  When your spouse admits they’re gay after decades of marriage, it must be absolutely devastating for the

Hobby Therapy-It Really Works

by , on
May 16, 2014

hobby therapy-it worksDo you ever have one of those days, you wish you could go straight back to bed?  Just call it a day when it’s barely begun?  I sure have.  I’ve had many a dark day during my divorce. 

One of the biggest things that helped me cope was spending a little time everyday doing something I loved.  Exercise has always been a big part of my life and it sure saved me during the stressful times.  I felt

hobby therapy-it worksDo you ever have one of those days, you wish you could go straight back to bed?  Just call it a day when it’s barely begun?  I sure have.  I’ve had many a dark day during my divorce. 

One of the biggest things that helped me cope was spending a little time everyday doing something I loved.  Exercise has always been a big part of my life and it sure saved me during the stressful times.  I felt

Why Lawyers Are Not Our Therapists

by , on
May 10, 2014

why lawyers should not be our therapists

Erin Brockovich, client advocate

I guess it’s pick on lawyers day.  This is important, though and something I’ve experienced.  It made me wonder at the effects of lawyers PREACHING self help when they should be practicing law…

There’s a reason why Lawyers should stick to their expertise and provide legal advice and not personal advice.  I know a lawyer who attended a self help weekend retreat.  The premise of these retreats is for people to LET GO.  They tell their story and then claim they can let them go, like a helium filled balloon—floating away never to be seen again.

Tattoo You?

by , on
April 24, 2014

tattoo you?

image source

Are you inked?  If not, are you thinking about getting a tattoo?  Are these thoughts connected to an event in your life such as divorce, marriage, death, love?  It’s human nature to want to mark an event with a celebration or a ceremony and sometimes with INK.

My Message to Smug Married People

by , on
April 16, 2014

I’m over at DivorcedMoms venting about one of my pet peeves as a divorced woman.  If you don’t like it when I complain, then you might want to take a look at my very optimistic Spring Kind of Mood.  That post certainly shows my optimistic side :).  But if like me you’ve gone through (or going) a divorce and have experienced smug married people making judgmental comments about us Divorcees, then you won’t want to miss this one.

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