Letting Go-3 Tips

by , on
April 28, 2013

Letting go is a big divorce phrase that get thrown around by friends, family, lawyers, mediators and random folks.  Everyone talks about it like it’s putting your shoes on to go out.  It should just happen naturally, as if it’s a part of our routine.  But it is so far from routine.  It is so far from second nature, it’s often the last step in a long and arduous divorce process.

letting go-3 tips

photo credit; pinterest

It happens at different times for each individual.  No one can tell you when it’s time to let go and that’s why I’m not going to do that either.  But I will give you 3 tips to help you along the way.  Because it is a journey not a destination and I’ve been there myself.

3 Tips to Letting Go

1. Less REGRET – You are not defined by your divorce nor the mistakes you’ve made in that divorce

2. more AWARENESS – You are more than your divorce so give yourself credit for how far you’ve come, who you are now and who you intend to become

3. more ACCEPTANCE – accepting new experiences and new people into your life will allow you to move forward

letting go-3 tips

photo credit-pinterest

When you think about it, isn’t letting go a life long lesson?  Isn’t it something we start to learn as a child when we’re told we can’t take our blankie or our teddy bear to playschool?  We are learning to let go of things and people throughout our lives.  With LESS REGRETS bring AWARENESS of who you are besides a divorced person, and ACCEPTANCE for new experiences and people.  One day at a time.  I also like what Carrie Underwood says about letting go...

“I guess it’s going to have to hurt, I guess I’m going to have to cry, and let go of some things I’ve loved to get to the other side.  I guess it’s going to break me down, Like fallin’ when you try to fly,
Sad but sometimes moving on with the rest of your life starts with goodbye”

How did you let go? Are you still attached to your ex, or your divorce?

 Leave a comment, I LOVE ’em!


  1. Why You Can't Let Go of Your Ex | Vishnu's Virtues - how to find love

    June 23, 2019 at 10:44 pm

    […] You think you can’t let go of your ex but you can. […]

  2. D. A. Wolf

    April 30, 2013 at 2:38 pm

    That “letting go” thing. It seems to be so much easier said than done – especially by those who have relatively amicable divorces, those who are newly divorced (and trying to convince themselves – not yet having gone through the equally grueling aftermath), or for that matter, those who have never themselves been through it.

    That said, letting go of things “because they are heavy” is brilliant.

    We cannot possibly carry our weighty grievances, our excessive anger, our endless string of “what ifs” ad nauseum.

    Some will remain or at least fade to the background for long periods of time, and as such, we have less to bear which makes US more bearable – and frankly, easier to live with for ourselves and our kids.

    None of it is easy. But at least some of it can be done.

    Wonderful reminders.

    • lisa

      April 30, 2013 at 3:24 pm

      Beautifully expressed, D.A.! It is an expression loosely used but hard to come by in reality. I think it is a ‘process’ rather than an event. Thank you for sharing your wisdom here 🙂

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