In yoga class, often the teacher will ask you to “set your intention” for practice. In my first year of taking yoga class, this request would stump me. What is my intention for today’s class? Hmmm.
As time went on and I became more familiar with the poses and the concept of yoga, and when asked to set my intention, words would pop into my head.
With that one word, I could focus my energy and get through a difficult or challenging practice.
So, why not use that habit on a daily basis? Recently, I decided to choose a word for my day, to see if it was as beneficial as it is on the yoga mat. So far, I love it. It works to help me cope with unexpected events or even daily nuisances, like when the guy standing behind me in line at the coffee shop, warned me not to eat any carbs. Instead of turning and swatting him, I ignored him. Patience is the word that comes to mind.
I guess that’s what yoga is all about taking what we learn on the mat and applying it to our daily life.
I want to share my favorite, go-to words that have helped me in yoga practice and with my life’s challenges. You can use these words, too or share in the comments what your word for the day may be.
In order of repetitive use, here are my go-to words for yoga practice, that I apply to my day;
-stength to take whatever comes
-physical and mental strength to persevere, go on, accomplish goals
-when I used this word as my intention in yoga class, I was able to do a headstand (something I had been afraid of), it was against the wall, however I used my core muscles to slowly lift each leg until I was able to fully control my body and hold the pose without the wall to stabilize me
-I had never felt physically stronger and I reminded myself right there, if I could do that, what else could I do that I was afraid of?
-acknowledge my own power
-I can influence others, I can be convincing and ‘fake it til I make it’ with my powers and so can you
-often we underestimate our power
-sending it out
-receiving it
-being vulnerable allows us to receive the love we need
-focus on my intuition
-try to see things in a different way
-find a different way to do things
P a t i e n c e…..
-this too, shall pass
-all things come to an end
-find something to do while you wait
-be present in the moment
-listen to the music playing (in class for example) and hear each instrument
-notice details
-acknowledge feelings and let them go
-think of all the good things you have right this minute, and know you are blessed –I tell myself this regularly
-I am grateful at the end of each practice, for my health and the fact that I can participate in yoga and also see improvements in my physical abilities
-I am worthy of the good things and people that come into my life
-I offer value to the world
-I deserve this
[ctt title=”‘Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.’- Rumi” tweet=”‘Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.’- Rumi @lisalisathom” coverup=”D4lbL”]
Interestingly, these words that ‘popped’ into my head during yoga practice are often found on my blog. So, I guess it’s no surprise that they are my favorite words.
Do you believe in the power of words? Will you begin choosing a ‘word for your day’?
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Alok Singhal
June 25, 2017 at 7:37 amThat’s a great way to practice yoga, this makes the entire process of working out all the more focused and effective.
June 25, 2017 at 8:58 pmHi Alok, yes I agree. It’s always an ‘aha’ moment when I take something from yoga practice and use it in everyday life. Nice to see you!
June 21, 2017 at 9:20 pmWords have so much power, and I like this idea quite a lot. I’m participating in six months of business mentoring and two of my words to focus on are definitely fear and courage.
June 22, 2017 at 10:56 amThose are good words to choose. They’re so vast in meaning. Good ones to explore, Jeri!
June 18, 2017 at 7:57 pmThis is great. I choose a word each year. This year is “moments” I try to live and enjoy the moment, to not worry about messes or tomorrow but to instead enjoy the little things.
June 20, 2017 at 9:48 amOh, I love your word, Kim. To use it for the whole year is a great way to narrow down your focus. LOVE it!
June 18, 2017 at 2:50 pmLove all of your words! I really like the idea of focusing on a word a day
June 20, 2017 at 9:47 amYes, it really works when I’ve needed it. Thanks for popping in, Ashley!
Harleena Singh
June 15, 2017 at 11:50 pmHi Lisa,
Loved the idea
Yes, there are so many words that would come to mind, and I think we share some very common ones as well – love, gratitude, patience, and I would add kindness, deep breathing, and so many more…
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice weekend
June 16, 2017 at 10:03 pmKindness is always a good word to keep in mind. Thanks for sharing, Harleena! Hope you’re doing well
Christine Carter
June 15, 2017 at 4:34 amI love the idea of choosing a word to focus on for the day, Lisa! I think I’m going to try it…
And the words you shared here are PERFECT. I love every last one of them, so I think I’ll choose from your list.
Gosh, which one though?
Will think on this…
June 16, 2017 at 10:03 pmThank you, Chris! My favorite is ‘strength’
Marcia @ Menopausal Mother
June 14, 2017 at 7:44 pmI Love every one of the words you have chosen. They truly are words to live by. Great post!
June 15, 2017 at 2:33 pmThank you, Marcia! Glad you liked this post
Jane Thrive
June 13, 2017 at 5:48 pmLove, Love, Love this, Lisa!!!
My word today: peace, I’m thinking of when I float on my surfboard on the ocean, listening to the waves far outside the reef, sometimes hearing voices from the shore, I’m in the middle between leaving the ocean behind and heading back to land. Deep breath. Let peace fill our hearts, at least for a moment. <3
June 14, 2017 at 3:10 pmThank you, Jane! Thank you for this lovely visual of you on your surfboard….so relaxing and serene. Peaceful is a good word—I will add that to my favorites.
June 13, 2017 at 4:49 pmI love that quote about rain!
And the idea of these words, and how you find them on your blog and also at yoga.
I use the word safe a lot. That’s one of my words.
June 14, 2017 at 3:09 pmRumi. Perfection. I can understand why your word is ‘safe’. Considering your past and the fact that you’re a mom with young children, it makes sense. I don’t use the word so much anymore (maybe I should). When my kids were small it was always on the tip of my tongue.
June 13, 2017 at 1:04 pmGreat read Lisa.
June 13, 2017 at 2:02 pmThank you, Shali!
June 13, 2017 at 11:22 amAs a writer, I have about 1000 words each day lol
I think I’ve been doing this but more of an intention each day which ultimately sounds like a daily word.
My top words of late are freedom, creativity, sacredness, spirituality, gratefulness.
June 13, 2017 at 2:02 pmYes, as a writer, you are surrounded! Relate a single word to a single intention and see what happens. Your top words are beautiful, Vishnu!
Chrys Fey
June 13, 2017 at 10:37 amI love this. I’m always looking for ways to help with stress and my depression when it comes, and this sounds like a great practice.
June 13, 2017 at 2:01 pmYes, this can really make a difference. I think it’s forcing us to be aware and nip the negative feelings before they bloom. It’s worth a try.
My Inner Chick
June 13, 2017 at 6:46 amLove!
We have the POWER to survive anything…
This I have learned.
Fabulous post, Lisa. xx
June 13, 2017 at 1:55 pmYou are the living example of power, Kim!! Thank you xoxox
June 13, 2017 at 4:24 amYESSSS…..I do believe in the power of words. I love yours by the way! I don’t always choose them every day but I do scour pinterest a lot for that exact reason. And it’s not just one word, it may be a quote. I do pick a word for the entire year and then find quotes for that particular word. My word for the year was Shine – you were meant to shine. That means being a light for others when your feeling good, that means being aware that your good enough is more than enough, that means being weird is ok so shine that light…don’t dim it.
I love this post lady. Keep picking words!!!
June 13, 2017 at 1:54 pmThat’s a good idea, Kim! OH—I LOVE your word. SHINE. Yes, you do!! Such an important message, Kim. Thanks for sharing that in all of your writing!
Balroop Singh
June 12, 2017 at 7:34 pmThis is a lovely idea and I have often done it. Choosing a word or quote keeps us focused and sends constant reminders…another way to make ourselves a better person. As I have said it more than once that there is no age for personality enhancement and consistent reminders add something positive everyday.
I have learnt positivity, kindness, patience, forgiveness and many such virtues slowly by choosing these words time and again.
Wonderful post Lisa!
June 13, 2017 at 1:53 pmI knew you would be familiar with this practice, Balroop. Being the wordsmith that you are, I’m not surprised. Yes thinking positive is so important and so difficult at the same time. I LOVE your chosen words!
June 12, 2017 at 7:19 pmYoga is my favorite. Those are great intentions.
June 13, 2017 at 1:51 pmYoga really is the best at combining mind and body power. Thanks, Liv!!
June 12, 2017 at 12:13 pmI typically have a quote of the day with my patients–I love this idea! I might steal it!
June 13, 2017 at 1:51 pmYes, do use the word intention with your patients. Hope they like it! Thanks, Lyndsay!
June 12, 2017 at 9:47 amOh, I love all of your words and I love this practice and post. It’s important to adopt the lessons we learn on the mat to experiences we have in the real world, and some days we need these reminders more than others (like when we are being tested, right?). I have a temper problem, which I’m trying to work on, because I have the tendency to go from 0 to 60 at a moment’s notice. Like if that guy mentioned carbs to me on line. I would probably start shooting fire from my nose, LOL….anyway, there really isn’t any sense in getting worked up about these things though. Life is much too short to get wrapped up in the petty. Thank you for this reminder, for sharing that gorgeous quote, and for all you do here in your space
June 13, 2017 at 1:50 pmHey Charlotte, Exactly and I am guilty of just that; waiting until I’m tested. That guy was a stranger (who had the nerve to be in my favorite coffee shop) and also, the following week I saw him at spin class. Haven’t seen him since though but if I do, I hope I’m stuffing my face with a chocolate filled croissant—the kind covered in almond slices.
Life if too short to get worked up…except when we have to. Then let the fire out! Thank you, Charlotte xo