Sharing…a Poem

by , on
January 21, 2020
Sharing...a Poem

Sharing…a poem today. Still on this winter theme…the snow is gone now and the sun is trying to shine.

Hello January

by , on
January 4, 2020
Hello January

Welcome to a new decade, my friends. This whole new year thing kind of snuck up on me. I know I say that every year but when it hit me upside the head that a whole new decade was starting…well, I began to question my goals here at the blog.

“And what does January hold? Clean account books. Bare diaries. Three hundred and sixty-five new days, neatly parceled into weeks, months, seasons. A chunk of time, of life…those first few notes like an orchestra tuning up before the play begins.” ~ Phyllis Nicholson from Country Bouquet (1947)

The Wine Diaries Book Giveaway

by , on
November 28, 2019
The Wine Diaries

It’s…here…!! The Wine Diaries: Musings On Divorce Paired With Wine is available on Amazon in both e-book and paperback versions.

Print book cover reveal

The Wine Diaries: Musings On Divorce Paired With Wine

Life Lately

by , on
October 24, 2019

Hello Escapees, how is life lately for you? I’ve been away and then sick so have been absent here at the blog for a while. I drafted this post a few weeks ago, so you’ll notice where I’ve provided an update. It’s not my typical blog post but always fun to let you in on what I’m up to.

Hot Flash Confidence
image by J. Wagner source

Life Lately

My Autumn

by , on
September 5, 2019
My Autumn

My Autumn

No more laissez-faire

Sway of the hips

So I’ve Heard; Writing Prompt

by , on
August 7, 2019
things that are bugging me

This writing prompt from Writer’s Digest asks “Write a story or scene that includes “sound words” that set the scene. What is going on? What do the characters hear, or what sound waves do they feel?”

The objective of the prompt is an exercise to get the writer using onomatopoeia (sound words). I haven’t heard that word since grade school 🙂 This writing prompt motivated me and I know it’s something I should challenge myself to more often for practice.

Reader Comments & Why I Write

by , on
April 4, 2019
comments & Writing
comments & Writing

A few years ago I wrote this little post on family dynamics. It still gets comments every now and then. Last week I received a beautiful comment from a reader. I’d like to share it with you:

Pour a Glass of Vino, and Sip With The Wine Diaries

by , on
February 13, 2019
What's Happening With The Wine Diaries?

Sit down, relax and pour yourself a glass of vino.

You may recall, that I mentioned The Wine Diaries-Musings On Divorce Paired With Wine would be published in late autumn 2018. Well, that hasn’t happened. It isn’t because of procrastination so much as letting the manuscript mellow along with further wine tasting. Essentially, it’s a little wine with whine…

New Look, New Season

by , on
September 18, 2018

time for a cool changee

image; Jan’spageofawesomeness tumblr

It’s mid-September already and we’re fast approaching autumn equinox. The cooler days, the turning leaves, cozy blankets and sweaters, corn on the cob, fresh picked apples, and warm cider are just a few of my favorite things.

It’s also a time for changing things up. So, how do you like the new look of lisathomsonlive? I hope you do as much as I. Take a moment to look around and if there’s anything out of place or hard to navigate give me a shout via email or here in the comments.

July Re-Cap, August Goals and Amazon

by , on
August 8, 2018

July RE-Cap. August Goals and AmazonHey friends, how is your summer experience? Remember two summers ago, I wrote about frolicking in your bikini? Well, I’ve actually done that this summer so can say I’m experiencing IT. Good old Hilda knows how! If you don’t know what I’m talking about, read no further before clicking the above link.

So, checking in with my July goals re-cap;

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