Before I begin, this is NOT a sponsored post.
So, let’s talk about the ‘M’ word. No one wants to, right? Talking about money in any way, shape or form tends to cause anxiety in most of us. It does in me, I know that. We’re worried we don’t have enough, what we do have is somehow already spent and we won’t have enough in the future.
Today’s post is written and sponsored by Canterbury Law Group out of Scottsdale Arizona.
Their tips are spot on and this is a must read for anyone thinking of ending their marriage…
We all know divorce has become common over the last several decades. Although there may be certain factors associated with divorce that are negative, at least women (and men) today can divorce a spouse and move on to achieve a healthy, happy and thriving future. Women today don’t need to be in a marriage to live a full life; we can prosper on our own.
Not long ago, the word Chakra came onto my radar. How did it come up? Well, the store I worked in sold jewelry related to our Chakras.
For example, there is a troll bead (as seen in this image) to represent each Chakra. Trollbeads are glass beads that are designed to be worn on bracelet or necklace.
Maxine is owned by Hallmark but she likes to visit me here
I wouldn’t have ever thought someone would ask me for tips on keeping the household organized during divorce 😉 They obviously don’t know me, right? Well, to be fair I did learn a thing or two about correcting some of my own disorganization during divorce. I guess I am qualified to write this post, after all.
I wrote a post about how to tell the difference between a run of the mill A**hole and a Narcissist. I wrote it about six months ago and it has quickly topped my most popular blog ranking. Yes, there is a difference between an A**hole and a Narcissist and apparently many folks are interested in the subject. Next, I wrote about managing the narcissist in your life. I covered many tips and examples of how to handle the narcissist.
So, now let’s remind ourselves why we are foolish to continue relationships with Narcs and why sometimes even setting boundaries isn’t enough.
One of the most challenging experiences for me during my divorce, was simply dealing with lawyers, attending meetings, discoveries, examinations and finally trial.
It can be intimidating to say the least. It’s one thing to sit with your own lawyer in their office but very different to sit across from your ex and his lawyer in a conference room. Add a court reporter, recording devices, piles of documents and know that you’re going to be grilled by a lawyer any moment, and you start to sweat.
This post was updated June, 2020.
Do you follow back on twitter, based on someone’s profile pic or avatar? I admit, I do exactly that.
They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover but we almost always do. Case in point, I have had so many compliments on my book cover image and some bookstores agreed to stock it simply because they liked the cover. No lie. “What about what’s inside it?” I wanted to ask. Never mind.
I’m very pleased to introduce to you Brad Micklin of The Micklin Law Group out of New Jersey, N.Y. Brad generously agreed to answer my interview questions and you, dear readers will benefit from his family law wisdom.
It’s right around the corner—the C word. When I think of it, the Jaws soundtrack plays in my head. The dread. The fear. The money spent. The pressure to buy the best gifts ever and on a budget—seems impossible. Well, I have a few ideas and tips for you. The best way to give gifts and save money is to make them. You don’t have to be Martha Stewart to do it either. First, I’m sharing some of my favorite recipes with you and then I will offer a few money saving tips for the season.
If you’re in the middle of your divorce you probably feel like you’re chasing paper. You may have legal papers and bills spread out on your living room table. You have important letters from your lawyer mixed up in your mail. You haven’t opened the last envelope from your lawyer because you’re worried it’s a huge bill. These lawyers fees add up pretty quickly, while nothing seems to be getting done at all. Sound familiar?
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