Reading time approx 8 minutes
It won’t surprise you to read that narcissists are unable to concede to loss of anything—big or small. Taking Trump’s inability to accept the recent vote and his loss to Biden, sets up a perfect case study. As I read the Washington Post’s article and full audio transcript of Trump’s call to Georgia’s Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, I recognize all the typical signs of a narcissist’s inability to concede to loss.
On a more personal level, from my own experience, a narcissist cannot accept being wrong in any way. They are only angered by facts that interfere with their own self aggrandizing or wishful thinking.
Welcome to Part II of my art journey and the lessons I’ve learned. Do check out Part I, if you haven’t yet.
In the years leading up to today, I have learned many lessons from this journey. Not just about studio space design, or perfect lighting or the fact that when I get a studio, something happens whereby I have to leave it behind…but the lessons I want to share with you now are deeper than the space I create in.
Going no-contact with a narcissist takes a great deal of determination, strength and a strong will to let go and move forward. My video on that subject is here.
There is no question that going no contact results in a better life for you but it does not necessarily erase all after effects of the narcissist. One of the things that is typical of narcissists is that they want to control you even after you have gone no contact. How can they do that if you have zero contact with them?
There isn’t a whole lot of information out there regarding special needs spouses, and/or disabled spouses. That said I was able to come up with six important things to know if you’re divorcing or are a special needs spouse.
Note that there is much more information on having special needs children of the marriage, which could and may be dealt with in a whole different (future) post.
I want to focus here what you can expect during divorce if special needs are a part of your situation. Obviously, disabilities refer to any sort being physical or cognitive or degenerative.
If you’re home alone for the holidays, no need to despair. There are several inspirational lessons we can learn from young Kevin in the iconic Christmas classic movie—“Home Alone”.
I must apologize (or must I?) for two movie inspired blog posts in a row. First, The War of The Roses and now, “Home Alone”. It’s not that I’m out of ideas, it’s simply that I often come up with a blog idea while watching a favorite television show or movie. Here we have it;
unknown source
It’s no secret that going no-contact from the narcissist in your life is the ultimate solution to taking your life back. Taking back your power that has been stolen by a narcissist isn’t easy but it is necessary to allow yourself to get on with your life and begin healing. But not everyone is in a position to go no contact.
Incidentally, in case you’re wondering if the Six Degrees is a play on words, it is. It’s based on the theory that we are all separated by only six people. So, by the time we get to a seventh (random) person, the chances are pretty good that we know someone in common. But I’ve digressed. Suffice to know that we can also choose to separate ourselves by degrees. Comes in handy when we have a narcissist in our life…
Feeling Overwhelmed? Self care is always in vogue but I can’t think of a more urgent time than now, to take care of our body and mind. Following the news, specifically in the U.S., can cause our heart rates to speed up, stress hormones to release and trigger all kinds of negative energy. Now, more than ever we really need to remember the importance of self care. I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know but consider this a strong reminder.
The darkness is falling simultaneously with more violence and political unrest. Although we cannot ignore it, too much focus on this causes sadness and energy depletion. So, today let’s look at how to take care of our own spirit to ensure we can continue taking care of the ones we love and get the most out of life.
image source Unsplash by Christopher Harris
I’m re-posting an updated, yet classic from the archives.
One of the biggest changes during divorce is losing the marital home, which I have written about before here.
It’s a loss that isn’t easy to swallow for many couples who have taken pride in their home. Dare I say, they’ve considered their home something of a status symbol or a page out of a decorating magazine? That will all change. You’ll see though, that what really matters isn’t the shell of a home but who and what is inside it.
Since many of you are writers, today I’m featuring the lovely Chrys Fey’s new book, 10 Sparks To Guide You From Idea To Publication. Her self help book for aspiring authors is a don’t miss! She covers all topics and answers the burning questions for new authors. Even if you have experience in self-publishing, you’re bound to glean some new ideas with Chrys’s advice. Here’s more info and you can enter for a chance to win prizes!
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