Summer’s End

by , on
August 25, 2012
end of summer

My daughter enjoying the ocean view

I just finished my morning coffee on the beach with the eagles, the loons and the less majestic sea gulls.  The cooler night air has brought with it a hint of fog on the water.  The first sign of the fall season.  It’s been a wonderful two weeks with my kids but now we have to say good bye, something I hate. 

Summer Retreat

by , on
July 10, 2012
a summer retreat

photo credit:

Recently, I had the good fortune to spend a few days at our family’s summer place.  I often retreat there, even in winter time but there is something really special about the summer.  I’m not sure if it’s the small town, ‘back in time’ feel or simply being surrounded by the ocean that does it.  But once you are there for a few hours you start to feel the relaxation kick in.  The worries and tension, all too common during divorce seem to melt away. 

Recipe for Summer Joy

by , on
June 21, 2012

summer recipe for joy

“Summer Lovin’ had me a blast…”  IT’s officially summer, so let’s get into it!  How?  I have a recipe you’ll love…guaranteed to make your summer joy happen;

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