I can’t overstate the importance of updating your will during divorce. Since divorce can take years to process, your life feels like it’s in a constant state of transition. Untying knots requires tying up loose ends. One of those is your will. You certainly don’t want your STBX acting as your
AS each new day unfolds, so does your story. Will you tell yours? How will you tell it? Will it be a comedic play, a romantic novel, a love song, a dramatic film or serious documentary. Maybe how isn’t as important as the simple fact
An ideal divorce-is there such a thing? Or is it as likely as riding a unicorn off into the sunset. I would hazard a guess that it’s about as likely as ‘happily ever after’. Not impossible, but not guaranteed. First, what is an ideal divorce?
One of the inevitable side effects of divorce is the ensuing gossip. Yes, little old you become fodder and material for idle gossip. Whether they’re neighbors, teachers, friends, acquaintances or sports parents your name seems to be on the tip of their tongue.
“The most beautiful people I’ve known are those who have known trials, have known struggles, have known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.”
― Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
LOSS-we all experience it, especially during divorce. The fact is we lose stuff everyday; a thought, our keys, our phone, a memory, our coins, a contest, a challenge, a call and the biggest one of all—TIME.
In tackling this subject I really wanted to express the idea that loss is something we all deal with whether they’re losses that leave a crevice in our hearts or small ones, that niggle on the left side of our brain.
Loss is just an unfortunate part of life…
From the archives…dealing with anger never goes out of style.
Did you remember to take your happy pill today? Last week? Last month, last year? OOps. It’s hard to feel happy in the middle of an emotionally and financially taxing divorce. Forgiveness, love, joy and fun are often substituted with grudge, hate, worry and anger. So how do we deal with these negative emotions? Since we can’t take a happy pill and get over it, we have to look to other methods to adapt. How about embracing it? Owning it?
can cost you…money, assets and even the kids. I’ve heard many stories of regret and loss due to taking the ‘high road’ and being ‘nice’. This is especially true for us women as we are raised to be caring and nurturing. It’s part of our feminine quality. It’s double true for women who make the decision to leave. They, more than anyone are troubled with guilt which leads to being too nice and trying to keep everyone happy.
One of the most startling changes during my divorce, was my perception of myself. That sounds strange but when I was married I was a good girl. I was a good wife. I understood my role and made the best of my marital life. I played by the rules. I fulfilled expectations as a soccer mom, school volunteer and as a friend and business wife. I wouldn’t call myself a trophy wife as that would suggest I spent many hours primping and looking
I was perusing a few antique stores the other day in Gastown, a funky neighborhood in my hometown of Vancouver. I always find it interesting that in every store there is inevitably a box full of old, black and white family photos. Who are these people? Well, they could be anyone. They could be my own relatives and I wouldn’t even know it! These snaps made me think about how all of our family photos are similar. These old photos each tell their own story but collectively they reflect a certain time, with certain attitudes and mores.
The wedding photos in particular, made me smile to myself. Must
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