2015, The Year Of Happiness

by , on
December 31, 2014

exist to be happy2015 promises to be the year of happiness…how?

I was recently reading one of my favorite blogs, Harleena Singh’s Aha Now. You’ll recognize Harleena because she often visits here and leaves encouraging comments. The post was written by guest blogger Kira M. Newman, titled ‘Why Our Ideas About Happiness Are Backwards”.

Kira offers a free happiness class called The Year of Happy. I know it sounds, like well, I’m already happy so why do I need that?

I’m Grateful In Spite Of the C Word

by , on
December 16, 2014

when I think of the c word I'm gratefulThe big ‘C’ is almost here. Instead of getting all anxious and thinking about what could possibly go wrong (presents aren’t wrapped, Santa forgot something or someone, the stockings aren’t full enough etc.) I’m going to be grateful. Gratitude is something I’ve been

An Inexpensive Christmas for the Single Mom

by , on
December 2, 2014

an inexpensive christmas for the single momIt’s right around the corner—the C word.  When I think of it, the Jaws soundtrack plays in my head.  The dread. The fear.  The money spent. The pressure to buy the best gifts ever and on a budget—seems impossible.  Well, I have a few ideas and tips for you.  The best way to give gifts and save money is to make them.  You don’t have to be Martha Stewart to do it either.  First, I’m sharing some of my favorite recipes with you and then I will offer a few money saving tips for the season.

Awards Without the Rules

by , on
October 14, 2014

Awards without RulesI am proud to say that I have recently been nominated for the Liebster Award for the second time…for that reason I am accepting this lovely award without the rules.  First, I am honored to have been nominated by one of the most beautiful writer/bloggers. Her work is as she promises– Emotional.  It takes you into the shadows and then brings you back to the light.  If you haven’t had the opportunity to visit Balroop Singh’s,

So, How Was Your Summer Really?

by , on
September 2, 2014
time for a cool changee

image; Jan’spageofawesomeness tumblr

Fall is in the air. I can almost smell the new, freshly sharpened pencils and blank notebooks.  You know the ones with the line on the left margin? I can feel the brand new text books with stubborn spines holding promise of a new world of words and facts.  Even if we’re not returning to school something in our soul tells us so.  The falling leaves, the sound of school bells and new shoes all say “hey, what are you going to learn?”

Are you going back to school to try something new or are you going to simply turn over a new leaf?

The Divorcee’s Guide to Wedding Season, 10 Tips

by , on
June 12, 2014
the divorcee's guide to wedding season

The Wedding Date

Tis the season…for weddings.  Yay.  Sometimes the last thing we feel like doing is attending a wedding as a single divorcee. The romance, the dancing, the ‘love’ in the air is enough to choke the bitterness right out of us.

A Spring Kind of Mood

by , on
April 10, 2014
spring kind of mood

spring kind of mood

This post has been updated 3/4/21.

Springtime in my neighborhood is full of pinks, greens and yellows beginning in late March.  Here’s a little Spring time mood for all of you.  Has Spring sprung for you yet?  If not, I hope these images will put a little ‘Spring’ in your heart today…

I Heart Me Day

by , on
February 13, 2014

I HEART Me DayFrom the archives…Feeling pissed about Cupid this year?  It’s difficult after separation to feel inspired about a day dedicated to love when you feel your heart is broken.  But in order to mend your heart, you have to start loving yourself.

In our marriages we often put ourselves last.  We even learn to stop loving ourselves.  How do we undo this?  We begin by treating ourselves right.  Turn Valentine’s Day into I HEART

On the 12th Day of Christmas

by , on
December 22, 2013

On the 12th day of ChristmasSpeaking of perfection…do you fear your Christmas won’t be up to snuff?  Your gifts will be all ‘wrong’, your meal burnt?  Well, join the club.

Even though I’m almost finished my shopping, I still wonder if I bought enough and if everyone will be satisfied.  Has my love been adequately expressed through carefully wrapped gifts?  Nevertheless I’ve given much thought to who’s been naughty and who’s been nice!

10 Ways to Brighten Your November

by , on
November 4, 2013

54469_170866756269906_112712212085361_419399_6643010_o(1)From the archives, how to cheer up the darker days…

The days are getting shorter, the nights colder.  Although we can’t bring back the light of the summer and we can’t stop the rain from falling on our heads, there are always the simple, small ways to lift our spirits.  If you are mid-divorce especially, the darkness out your window only adds to your dark mood.

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