Hello, Sleevers, I hope you are keeping well. I have missed our back and forth here at the blog. I have been absent lately, but I have a good excuse. Book release!
My debut novel, Daughter of the Moon is finally ready! Release date is October 3, 2024 for the eBook and October 6th for the paperback.
Click for the e-book on Amazon.com or Amazon.ca
Hello Sleevers, t’s been a while since we’ve talked. Life has been interfering with my blog.
I hope you are doing well. I thought a nice way to ease in back here is to share what I’m currently reading, doing and anticipating this Spring. We’re half way through spring, that’s true but it’s not too late to share what’s happening mid-season.
First, let’s talk books.
Joseph Campbell’s Hero With a Thousand Faces. I’m sure you’ve all heard of it. I found this gem at a used bookstore last year but have only begun reading it about a month ago. I’ve put it down in the last few weeks to take up a library book and a lighter read for our recent vacation. The book is fascinating especially the historic folklore and mythology. Campbell takes you through the hero’s journey from Departure (some do not answer the call), Initiation (the perils they must overcome), Return (some do not return) and the Keys (I haven’t gotten to this part of the book yet). In any case, the theme is that we are all on a journey that looks similar to the hero’s. It’s interesting to note that our modern day tropes in fiction and film are also based on the premise of hero’s journey.
After the Funeral and Other Stories by British author, Tessa Hadley. This is a new release from a debut author who has been compared to Alice Munro. I had to check her out as Munro is one of my all time favourite authors and not just because she is Canadian.
I loved the first story which is the title story of the collection. However, so far each successive story has become more grim, the characters less enchanting. I hate to say it because this author’s style is typically the kind of writing I like to dig into. However, some of her similes are simply ridiculously over written. There’s nothing worse than a writer who shows off their finessing of words to the point of distraction. I’m still reading it though, so I am not reviewing it, just sharing my thoughts on it so far.
Cedar Cove #6 Ranier Drive by Debbie Macomber. I picked this up at the drugstore to take on my vacation because Macomber’s books have always satisfied my need for a cozy, laid back read. Turns out this book is one of the Cedar Cove series. It’s a popular television series on the W Network although I have never watched it. It was a slow start as there are so many characters my head was spinning and it wasn’t from the Mai Tais. Now that I’ve gotten halfway through, I am getting to know the characters and enjoying the stories of each one. She writes child characters very well, too.
Taking one last go through of my manuscript, Daughter of the Moon, before sending it to the editor in May. I’m very excited to take the next step and get the editor’s eyes on it. As for the cover, I have done some mockups but I’m not satisfied with any of them. I’m considering having no image on the cover.
As a reader and buyer of books, what do you think of a cover with simply a nice colour and the title like the After the Funeral book cover pictured above? Let me know in the comments what you think.
Packing. We are moving again. I’m very excited as we are moving to a larger space and will have a yard for the first time in years. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed where we are living now. The apartment itself was perfection, the location also perfection. City life was lots of fun and convenient for my husband’s work. I’ve enjoyed a space of my own here for painting and writing, with windows facing the Northshore mountains. Walking distance to amazing restaurants, the seawall and popular beaches. Sigh. I will miss it but of course, we won’t be too far away and will still call the city home.
A road trip with my daughter! This should be adventurous. What could go wrong? A mother and daughter in a car together for two days…well, she has promised my playlist. She has also asked me for my favorite podcasts because “We can’t listen to Abba the whole way.” Haha! Absolutely true. We are driving from Vancouver to Edmonton, Alberta. One night’s stay in Jasper. I haven’t been to Jasper in over a decade so it will be lovely to see again. It really is beautiful there with the majestic Rockies and ice blue lakes.
Packing, packing, packing. Moving and setting up house. These will be taking up most of my month of May.
Closing arguments. Last week of May I will be attending court to listen to closing arguments of my trial that took place January 29-February 28. Here is a pic my husband took of me about to begin day 7 (day four of cross examination) on the witness stand.
Me about to begin my last day of cross examination. I’m certainly relieved that’s behind me now.
So lots going on this spring. Lots of change and perhaps some closure along with a little adventure.
Please tell me, what are you reading currently? What are you up to this spring? Don’t forget to let me know what you think of book covers without images.
My last mail out I had asked my subscribers which upcoming book they would like to read of mine, given a choice of the three works currently in progress. The results are listed below in order of popularity:
I Don’t Drink Alone and Other Lies-a hilarious essay collection
Draft Book Cover
Between Midnight and the Moon-Poetry Collection
Daughter of the Moon-a Novel
So I did have a set back with editing my novel. But I am getting back on track with that and I Don’t Drink Alone is pretty much ready to format. So looks like I will have a few new releases in early 2024.
In other topics; The strangest thing has been happening to me. I come up with an idea to write about here on the blog and then moments later, I forget what my brilliant idea was. What the heck?! Also, I re-read my post on “Ten things Covid Made Me Do”. I looked for it on the blog because there was a Leonard Cohen special on HBO which triggered my memory. I thought of the time during Covid that I tied my Beau to the kitchen chair. You know what came next.
Welcome spooky, October…looks like me trying to come up with a brilliant blog post…
Well, September came and went in a flash. I didn’t write one post here and that is a first for me. I have never gone a whole month without writing something here. Should this concern me? I remember the early days of my blogging back in 2011-12 and I didn’t understand bloggers who would take long, unexpected breaks but now I do. They had been in the game for several years and eventually, we change.
We’re already half way through summer. It always goes far too quickly of all the seasons. Winter? Dragging…like an ellipses. Spring? The start of a new thought; like a semicolon. Autumn? Gathering, like a comma ordering things. But summer! The exclamation of the seasons. Bright, long days, swimming, parties and other exclamatory activities! But gone all too soon.
I first heard of this book while scrolling Instagram. A fellow art journal creator had posted a stack of inspirational books. Being that I’m intrigued by FK, the exceptional woman and artist, I took note of the title.
The Diary of Frida Kahlo An Intimate Self Portrait by Carlos Fuentes, has had a profound effect on me. I wrote in my own journal, “I feel grieved to come to the last page. I can’t say that I have felt that way about any other book.”
Gosh, where has November gone? Even though I’ve been operating on low-key status, the month still has flown by. While I should be editing my latest manuscript, I’ve been creating instead. Also, guiltily, I’ve been watching Netflix, HBO and FX and a little Colbert and Myers on the side.
So, not the most productive time in my life but also giving myself a break as I wrote about last week in Thinking About…Things.
A must read. Too Much and Never Enough by Mary L. Trump paints a nuanced picture of a DYSFUNCTIONAL family and the consequences of raising a son who answers to no one and gets everything he wants.
“The World’s Most Dangerous Man” as the author coins him, is now the POTUS without a conscience. Donald Trump, second son of Fred Trump Sr., has risen in the political ranks with a seemingly empty soul. He’s demolished businesses and people along the way. Mary, also a psychologist, sheds light on how he came to be and what it cost her and her father.
The lovely Balroop Singh’s new book of poetry, I’m happy to announce, is available for purchase this week! I can’t wait to delve into this one! She has generously put it on sale until the end of the week. Help me congratulate Balroop on her newest book of poetry, Magical Whispers.
Untamed was my first Glennon Doyle read. I’ve heard her name buzzed in Good Reads and various places such as, ahem, Oprah. Now this book is a Reese Witherspoon choice. So…I was anxious to read this one and the description grabbed my attention.
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