Are you inked? If not, are you thinking about getting a tattoo? Are these thoughts connected to an event in your life such as divorce, marriage, death, love? It’s human nature to want to mark an event with a celebration or a ceremony and sometimes with INK.
Last year I wrote about Alicia Florrick of The Good Wife. I took a look at her character and how she sacrifices for a cheating husband. She’s a great character study in discussing marriage, divorce, sacrifice and loyalty (heavy stuff). If you missed it you can read it here. So, after watching last week’s episode with a killer twist, I was moved to write once again, about Alicia Florrick and why we don’t want to be her.
What does it say about me that I have Madonna and Abba on my ipod? OLD? or CLASSIC? Pressing play reminds me ‘I”m old classic”. My kids are forever making fun of my itunes library, the brats. I ask them to update it and they only look at me and sigh “Teach your children PARENTS well.. their parent’s CHILDREN’S hell…” (CSN&Y) On that note, I would love to get some new song suggestions from you!
I was perusing a few antique stores the other day in Gastown, a funky neighborhood in my hometown of Vancouver. I always find it interesting that in every store there is inevitably a box full of old, black and white family photos. Who are these people? Well, they could be anyone. They could be my own relatives and I wouldn’t even know it! These snaps made me think about how all of our family photos are similar. These old photos each tell their own story but collectively they reflect a certain time, with certain attitudes and mores.
The wedding photos in particular, made me smile to myself. Must
Happy Halloween, everyone! From the archives, A Bad Husband Costume for those who missed it the first time around…
I was having my Sunday night telephone conversation with my 17 year old son when I asked what he was going to dress as for Halloween, at school. He told me he was going as a “Bad Husband”. Oh, oh. Was this a latent reaction to his father’s and my divorce? So I asked him where he got the idea and he said on the Internet. Pheeew, not my fault after all. So I asked him what a bad husband looked like. He said he has lipstick marks all over his collar and a pair of panties in his shirt pocket. Ah, infidelity. I chuckled at the ingenious costume idea. Later though, I got to thinking about some other possible “Bad Husband” costumes. I came up with a few ideas;
The Golf Addicted Husband
simply don golf attire and carry the clubs
(Okay, so he makes a little money while he’s playing…)
The Mamma’s Boy Husband
wear a shirt that reads “I’m always right” on the front and on the back it reads “just ask my mom”.
The Gambling Husband
Just carry around a hand of cards and some poker chips
“I lost again!”
The Workaholic Husband
Just carry a briefcase, wear a suit and tie and look dishevelled.
The Ego Husband
attach a cardboard bubble larger than your own head that reads EGO with a teeny tiny cardboard bubble beside it that says ID.
Well, hopefully I got a few smiles. The point is, we’re all imperfect. Some of us are just better at it than others.
Enjoy your Halloween with your ghosts and ghouls, little and big! Wishing all of you single moms that extra burst of energy you will need to get your little ones organized and out on this busy night of celebration!
“Come on Mom! Let’s go before all the candy is gone!”
Do you have an idea for a “Bad Husband” costume? Please share with us!
We can thank Paul Simon for the clever suggestions in “50 Ways To Leave Your
lover Husband”. Paul was one of the best singer, songwriters of his generation. I remember this song as a child and thinking there was something very unusual about the tune and the lyrics. It was both catchy and dangerous at the same time.
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