I write this in memory of my father and don’t worry, I’ve tagged it in humor. It’s my recollection of one of the last times I saw him before his unexpected death. Anyone who has a perfectionist for a father will get a chuckle out of this anecdote…
Recently, as I waited at a red light I looked at all the license plates on the cars surrounding me. Not necessarily to see if they were from somewhere far away but to inspect the screws securing the plates. Strange, I know.
I blame my late father. I can still see him on that sunny July afternoon: bent down lower than a man his age should be. The object of his inspection? The oversized screws holding my license plate. Much to his consternation not only were these screws obviously too big for the job, but they were unsightly. This is just the thing that could keep my father awake at night.
I’m feeling…somber.
George Floyd is yet another victim in a long list of black men and women who have been killed by people who are meant to protect them. The words “I can’t breathe” have become a sickening pattern. Not this again! How can this keep happening? Why is this happening?
Confession: I could not watch the video of his tragic death. I don’t have the stomach for it.
I’ve had a fondness for pajamas for as long as I can remember. As a young child I recall mourning my pajamas when my mother confiscated them. She had decided they were too small for me. Just because my arms and legs were extending far beyond the leg and arm holes? I beg of you. Have mercy on a child who loves her pajamas. When I went in search of the trash bag I suspected contained my worn out pajamas, I found gold. Those pajamas lasted another year.
Hello Escapees, how is life lately for you? I’ve been away and then sick so have been absent here at the blog for a while. I drafted this post a few weeks ago, so you’ll notice where I’ve provided an update. It’s not my typical blog post but always fun to let you in on what I’m up to.
When the news story broke the other day regarding Felicity Huffman’s and Lori Loughlin’s illegal purchase of their children’s elite education, I was intrigued but not shocked. It’s not surprising to learn (as we have since Trump has been in the Oval Office) the power of money. But is this story simply about the power of money or is it about bad parenting? I guess it’s both.
It’s been quite a while since I’ve posted on this meme; Catch Up Over Coffee. So, it’s time for a chat over espresso or maybe you prefer plain old drip. Cream? Sugar? Help yourself…it’s on the table.
I’ve been getting random comments on archived blog posts. Many of them from law firms or lawyers. These are legitimate comments and even thoughtful and interesting. They are definitely not spam. Apparently a blog post lives on, long after we’ve written it. I guess it’s what they call ‘evergreen’ content. The other ones that continue to garner comments are 5 Tips To Handle the Divorce Bully and Narcissist or A**hole? Know the Difference. In case you missed either of those and you need help with a bully or narc, then check those out.
Help me out here, guys. I’ve been on Instagram since 2011. I’ve noticed many changes over the last seven years. I’m not a fan of those changes, or maybe I just don’t get it.
My account was public at first but in 2014 I changed it to private. My thinking was, I was basically
Can we talk about the hot flashes, ladies? I should invite the men to weigh in as well. I believe men experience them too but maybe not as intensely. When these first began, I didn’t even realize it was really a hot flash, per se. Every night around 10 pm I would warm right up and have to take off my sweater or a layer. I just thought the room had warmed up for some odd reason.
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