Tennis In the Time Of Corona Virus

by , on
March 25, 2020
Photo by Ben Hershey on Unsplash

I was out for a walk on Sunday, minding my social distance. I walked through a schoolyard which was completely empty. There were tennis courts and baseball fields at the other end. The tennis courts, I’d noticed have been kind of busy lately.

This makes sense since you can play and maintain social distance from each other.

But I noticed there were four men on one court playing ‘doubles’. I also noticed all of their sport bags, coats and water bottles in one big pile by the court. I was amazed. There didn’t seem to be a single care about spreading the virus. So much for self quarantine.

What a silly decision.

Naturally, I wrote a poem about it.

Tennis In the Time of Corona Virus

Never before has
Doubles tennis looked so sinister
The men leapt, reached and ducked
On the court
I imagine sweat and saliva
Dripping from one to the other
The handsome young men
Not a care in the world
For the spread of a virus
With no cure
Caution to the wind
As their rackets swung
Next week one of them
Will lose their sense of taste
Break a fever and reminisce
In isolation, of his victory
On the court of death
His friends will follow suit
Strong, athletic men
If only they had played
Singles tennis
They may have lived another day
But they jeered a virus
That cannot be contained
All for a game
 and shameless exhibition
of who is the best
But mother nature
She doesn’t play around
Nor should we
In the time of Corona Virus

Stay healthy everyone and if you play tennis, make sure you stick to singles game.

How are you getting your exercise during self quarantine?

Circle of Life #Poetry Challenge #Senryu #Haiku

by , on
February 4, 2020
Photo by Javier Esteban on Unsplash

Today I’m responding to Colleen Chesebro’s Poetry Challenge Prompt: Circle of Life. The following is a form of Haiku, called a Senryu in a 3/5/3 syllable structure.

I had to look up these poetry definitions, too. I am more a free verse girl, when it comes to writing poetry. However, joining this challenge was a good brain bender. This kind of writing has a way of tweaking word patterns. I confess that I used the Syllable Counter because counting syllables quickly had me questioning my English language skills. *insert laugh track*

If you love to write poetry, do pop over to Colleen’s site to find out more about or join, her Tanka Tuesday Poetry Challenges.


Apple falls
Nearer the tree
Than I knew

I am you
And you could be me

My journey
Ironic ending
Circles me

I said I wrote a Haiku. I didn’t say it was good. Learning…

Thinking About…Cost of Convenience

by , on
January 31, 2020

Hello, dear friends. What’s been on my mind is our deteriorating environment and my role in it. Specifically thinking about the cost of convenience. As I place a crack-caffeine, coffee pod into my Keurig machine…I’ve come to realize I’m not doing my part.

Sharing…a Poem

by , on
January 21, 2020
Sharing...a Poem

Sharing…a poem today. Still on this winter theme…the snow is gone now and the sun is trying to shine.

My Autumn

by , on
September 5, 2019
My Autumn

My Autumn

No more laissez-faire

Sway of the hips

The First Day of May

by , on
May 1, 2016

the first of mayIt’s the beginning of  a new month and not just any month. It’s one of the best of twelve—May. It’s officially spring weather. The storms are over. 

Alone But Connected #1000Speak

by , on
May 20, 2015

What's Inspiring You?#1000VoicesSpeak for Compassion today and on the 20th of every month. The subject this month? CONNECTION. We don’t always feel it. My first thought on this topic was how often I have felt disconnected but my constant connection has been nature. If you ever feel alone or lonely…

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