Do You Love Him?

by , on
June 22, 2023
Do You Love Him?

Photo by Randy Kinne on Unsplash

Do You Love Him?

Do you love him? he asked

Yes, she answered a little too quickly

He could see through her lies

And her phony goodbyes

He touched her hand

His heart flickered

And he saw into her soul

His twin flame alight

Rain Drops

by , on
August 16, 2021
Rain Drops


Rain drops patter down

On my pain

Healing waters

Where drought had been



Tear-shaped drops


Landscape of my heart

Still Standing Here

by , on
June 9, 2021
Still Standing Here

I’m still here. It’s been quiet here but I’m —STILL.

Still Here
image source; Teil Duncan painting (Isn’t it stunning?)

I’m still singing along to the radio

I’m still lying awake and staring at the ceiling

I’m still asking why

Quote of the Week

by , on
May 28, 2021

I used to post a quote of the week, every week! That was way back in 2012/13-ish. So I came across this quote on Instagram and it resonated. It was 3 am, but I don’t think that had anything to do with it. 🙂

My Love, a Valentine’s Poem

by , on
February 13, 2021
My Love, a Valentine's Poem

Wishing you a lovely Valentine’s day. Many say it is a Hallmark occasion and plastic but I say it’s what you make of it. Why not celebrate love?

This poem was written for me by my Beau in around 2005.

God Stole Pink From the Sky Today

by , on
October 25, 2020
God Stole Pink From the Sky Today

God Stole Pink From the Sky Today

When I heard the news
You’re gone forever,
Sister, I stared into space
Shocked and in pain.
“God stole pink from the sky today,”
Is all I could think to say.
Your favorite lipstick color
Imprinted on my brain.
You used to say “Get on your broom
And fly over to see me.”
We’d laugh at our absurdity.
It’s true I looked to you
For comfort of your familiar face.
Maybe we didn’t always agree
But we turned to each other in times of misery.
Maternal losses only sisters comprehend.
The gravity of life, the frustration of not being heard
Again and again.
Your laugh always preceded you
Announcing your arrival in any place.
“Deb’s here,” we’d say—“the party can begin.”
Know that you are impossible to forget
The twinkle of laughter, the cry of your tears.
We went through this life together
Like a spiral still connected
In those empty spaces
Turned into years.

 God stole pink from the sky today
But soon I will see you in each and every sunset.
Raspberry-red wine, cloudy and glowing
Mirrors your memory
Forever in mine.

My deep condolences go out from my heart, to my two nephews and one niece, in addition to three grand-nieces and one grand-nephew.

Season of Love

by , on
July 22, 2020
Season of Love

A little season of love for you. I wrote this one last summer. At that time I wasn’t sharing my poetry but today seems like a perfect day to share this one…

His True Love #WritePhoto

by , on
May 25, 2020
His True Love #writephoto

#WritePhoto is a writing prompt created by Sue of Sue Vincent’s Daily Echo . Sue has chosen this image with the word prompt ‘paint’. You can write poetry (free style), essay or a story using the image or the word. I’ve chosen the image.

Sue Vincent’s #writephoto
#WritePhoto prompt. His True Love…need Kleenex. #LovePoem #poetry Share on X
His True Love
Ash blew into his eye
As he scattered her
From the bridge
Into the Creek below
Lily pads will surround her
And gracious trees will soothe her
Just as she had asked
To rest her burned bones
Beneath the red bridge
Where they first kissed
He wiped his wet cheek
With his shirt sleeve
Dusted his true love
From his jeans
Thank you, my Love, he whispered
As he replaced the lid of the urn
Closing his eyes
For a final goodbye
He turned to leave
The bridge swayed
And the wind carried her scent
 Of lavender back to him

If you’d like to join in check out Sue’s page here.

One Bite #Tanka Tuesday Poetry Challenge, Synonyms Only

by , on
April 14, 2020
And she’s wearing a wedding ring…scandalous. Image source

My challenge response to Colleen Chesebro’s #Tanka Tuesday poetry challenge; synonyms only. The two words colleen has given for the challenge are fancy and idea. Without using the words but using only their synonyms, I have written a Tanka poem:

One Bite

I had a notion
To cook a grandiose meal
For my ex-lover
One bite of lace-like latkes and
He would aim to undress me


Feel free to join in the challenge. Have fun with words.

Have you ever cooked for someone with the idea of seduction?

Reading Aloud, What I’ve Learned So Far

by , on
March 12, 2020
The Wine Diaries: Musings On Divorce Paired With Wine

I’m sharing my reading of an excerpt from my latest book, The Wine Diaries: Musings on Divorce Paired With Wine. From Chapter 4, Life Unexpected, I read “What I’ve Learned So Far”. This is one of my favorite essays in the book. I think you will relate to the message that small, compounded moments make up what we call our LIFE. That’s why those moments are so important and even more so than the big, dramatic ones that we anticipate for months or even years.

CHECK OUT MY Youtube channel