Such a small word for so large a meaning. To be brave even when you fear it. Whatever ‘it’ might be. I wrote in my art journal with a white pen on black painted paper (setting the mood), exactly what I needed to hear. Funny how that works. Well, the purpose of journaling truly is to help us muddle through emotions, doubts and life stuff. As I re-read this passage, I felt it might be helpful to my readers.
I’m still here. It’s been quiet here but I’m —STILL.
I’m still singing along to the radio
I’m still lying awake and staring at the ceiling
I’m still asking why
I was inspired by Marc Chernoff’s recent post at Marc & Angel hack Life. Marc lists ten hard things you shouldn’t be afraid of doing for yourself. What I took away from this list is that fear of change is the underlying culprit of happiness or the cause of —death while living.
In his post, every single thing Marc listed resonated with me. Usually when I read a ten reasons or tips post, I can take away half of them and leave the rest. Not this time.
“Ms. Thomson?…Ms. Thomson?…” Deep sigh “Is she here?”
“Yes.” Panting from running by the seat of my pants. “Who’s asking?”
“It’s the year 2018…”
“Yes.” Slightly breathless.
“Excuse me?”
“Yes, I’m here now!” Speaking louder. “I’m Ms. Thomson. Or you can call me Lisa—that’s what my friends call me” *smiles beatifically* (I like that word ‘beatific’—in both sound and meaning)
Isn’t it true that we have to go through something to really understand it? We can plan and have opinions about something but until it happens to us we don’t grasp the full concept. Divorce is no different. I guess it’s a little like death of a loved one. Again, it’s something we have to go through, get to the other side before we understand it.
“Courage is found in unlikely places.”-J.R.R Tolkien
Two things you’ll need to make any major change in your life are a shot of courage and a slice of bravery. Actually, before you even begin to make the changes you’ll need to identify and admit to the necessity of that change. That’s where we especially need a shot of courage and that’s only the beginning. The rest is getting from here to where we want to be.
In honor of my 50th birthday…gulp…I’m sharing my humble list of 50 things I’ve learned in 50 years. Some things are funny. Some are things you’ll say “She’s just figured that out now?” Yes, I’m still figuring things out…so please have a read and a laugh. I have a special request for you though, before you make too much fun of me, share at least one thing you’ve learned in the comments 🙂
I guess it’s pick on lawyers day. This is important, though and something I’ve experienced. It made me wonder at the effects of lawyers PREACHING self help when they should be practicing law…
There’s a reason why Lawyers should stick to their expertise and provide legal advice and not personal advice. I know a lawyer who attended a self help weekend retreat. The premise of these retreats is for people to LET GO. They tell their story and then claim they can let them go, like a helium filled balloon—floating away never to be seen again.
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