Letting go of our stuff is one of the steps to moving forward but how and when can we do this? That’s the tricky part and there isn’t one perfect answer. Each of us hold different attachments to our things, stuff. We all have various degrees of emotional attachment. At the outset of divorce we can be a little too hasty in discarding our old life. Until some time passes, we don’t know what these items will mean to us. What memory will they evoke or what part of ourselves will they represent. if any? If you’re not sure right now, then keep them and let some time pass before revisiting their worth.
What do Forrest Gump and Donald Trump have in common? They both made it to the White House, for starters. So, if life is like a box of chocolates in Forrest Gump’s time then what is it now? Perhaps it’s like a bag of chips?
HBO’s Divorce, the new show starring Sarah Jessica Parker, is both raw and funny. I read a few reviews that weren’t favorable so my expectations weren’t exactly high. I’m happy to report though, that this show based solely on the Premier episode, has a
Random musings and gratitude seem to go together today.
My mind is just not letting me blog. I don’t know why. Every time I think of a topic my Escapees might like I start writing it only to get up and get more coffee, dust the coffee table, organize my desk or put the clothes in the dryer. Ya. Well, normally when I write none of
When I was scrolling through my facebook feed a while back I came across this question; Which TV mom are you? I had to laugh. Immediately, I chose Lorelei Gilmore, not because of the young and hot factor. I wish. It’s her attitude and general outlook on life I can relate to. But I have to admit I see a little of myself in many of these beloved characters.
Isn’t that the brilliance of the writers who create these characters? They make our problems seem small or they make us say “Oh, so it isn’t just me…”
Let’s take a look at some of these TV moms and you tell me— which one are you?
You’re Christy from Mom if: You’re struggling to pay the bills, your mother lives with you and she likes to party more than you, you’re divorced, had a brief affair with your boss, you’re in rehab, you’re trying your best to protect your children from your crazy mother and other life disasters.
image source; pinterest
This post was updated June, 2020.
So, a while back I posted Lisa’s Divorce Movie Countdown. It was very well received so I thought it was time for a tv version.
It’s always great to discover a new show that makes you laugh and cry but mostly one that you can relate to the characters so much that you feel they’re living your story. Okay, I haven’t found a divorce show quite as good as all that but I have found some that are pretty realistic and entertaining at the same time.
How many of you are best friends or let me re-word that; how many of you are simply friends with your ex? I know it’s quite a concept—yet, I believe many strive for that. If we can rise above co-parenting conflict and the division of assets there might be a chance. However, from what I’ve seen it’s about a 20% chance of retaining or working toward friendship post
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