I’ve been reading so many books lately. Trying new authors has been stimulating and fun. Along with this I’ve become aware of some minor book pet peeves I have. Let’s dish…
As I was watching television the other night, a commercial for the old ‘Golden Arches’ (McDonalds) came on. “Join us for Family Night every Wednesday night between 4-7pm!” And in case you were wondering, this post is not sponsored.
The ad showed happy children and parents, happy employees, and all to the background music of Laverne Baker Tweedle Dee possibly one of the happiest songs ever recorded. Well, have a look for yourself:
You’ll notice I didn’t ask about a second marriage because that’s practically a Gimme. It’s expected, even. It’s considered a sign of moving on. A third marriage? That’s more like a Mulligan (you will use it judicially and with caution). Why the golf analogy, you may be wondering. I don’t even know, it just popped into my head. Maybe because my ex was an avid golfer.
If you’re home alone for the holidays, no need to despair. There are several inspirational lessons we can learn from young Kevin in the iconic Christmas classic movie—“Home Alone”.
I must apologize (or must I?) for two movie inspired blog posts in a row. First, The War of The Roses and now, “Home Alone”. It’s not that I’m out of ideas, it’s simply that I often come up with a blog idea while watching a favorite television show or movie. Here we have it;
10 Reasons Why you should watch The War of The Roses again or for the first time.
“Don’t try to ever compete with a woman when it comes to love or revenge.” lawyer, Gavin D’Amato (Danny DeVito)
I saw the “War of The Roses” back in 1989 and I really didn’t get it. I had been married for two years. A whole two years! How could I even begin to understand this masterpiece?
Can we talk about the hot flashes, ladies? I should invite the men to weigh in as well. I believe men experience them too but maybe not as intensely. When these first began, I didn’t even realize it was really a hot flash, per se. Every night around 10 pm I would warm right up and have to take off my sweater or a layer. I just thought the room had warmed up for some odd reason.
“Ms. Thomson?…Ms. Thomson?…” Deep sigh “Is she here?”
“Yes.” Panting from running by the seat of my pants. “Who’s asking?”
“It’s the year 2018…”
“Yes.” Slightly breathless.
“Excuse me?”
“Yes, I’m here now!” Speaking louder. “I’m Ms. Thomson. Or you can call me Lisa—that’s what my friends call me” *smiles beatifically* (I like that word ‘beatific’—in both sound and meaning)
This post has been updated from the archives.
Forget about finding love in a hopeless place. That might be okay for the likes of Rhianna. But
what we really need is humor in a hopeless place. So, let’s laugh until it’s funny.
“The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.”-Mark Twain
“Wherever you go in the world, you just have to say you’re Canadian and people laugh—” John Candy
In honor of Canada Day and our 150th birthday, I thought it would be fun to share some myths (and a few truths) about Canadians. This is tongue in cheek of course, and I have not researched this post. I’ve simply dug from my Canadian brain.
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