Divorce Self Care-5 Tips

by , on
May 26, 2013
5 Tips for Self Care

source; strawberrieHeart

There is no more stressful time than during a divorce, except for death.  Think about that for a minute.  Divorce is a grieving process of sorts.

If you are going through it right now, chances are you’ve let your self care routine slide.  There are other more important things to worry about than my hair…you hear yourself say…the children come first, you say…and they do however, if you keep putting yourself last you won’t get through this journey intact. 

Quote of the Week

by , on
May 22, 2013


Here is a quote from a writer who lived on the outside of the social scene.  An eccentric who’s writings were not respected while alive but has influenced contemporary writers of this and the last century.  Who said this…

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” Soren Kierkegaard

I guess another way of saying this is “hindsight is 20/20” or “if only I had known___”.  The point is sometimes we don’t know WHY things happen but in time the answers are revealed to us.  In the meantime…since we have no choice but to live forwards might as well take a leap….

Quote of the Week

source; Pinterest


your thoughts?

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Quote of the Week

by , on
May 1, 2013

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”  Eleanor Roosevelt

This one gives me pause.  How do I let someone make me feel inferior?  Isn’t it what they say or do that makes me feel inferior?  Maybe what Mrs. Roosevelt is referring to is surrounding ourselves with the wrong people.  If someone is repeatedly saying or doing things that make you feel inferior then it is up to you ultimately to remove yourself from that person. Don’t go back for more.  Stop participating in the negativity.

Surround yourself with positive people and those who, while in their company make you feel good about yourself.  Also, a healthy dose of not caring what people think, and being comfortable in your skin will reduce those inferior reactions.

Quote for the week

photo credit Pinterest

 How did you stop letting people make you feel inferior?

Leave a comment, I LOVE ’em!

Sweat Therapy

by , on
April 21, 2013
sweat therapy

credit unknown

One of the best stress busters during divorce or any difficult time, is exercise.  Any sweaty sport, activity or even a simple brisk walk can clear the mind of our negative thoughts firing.  Sweat therapy I call it, because you get in the moment and forget all of the worries that are plaguing your mind and focus on what your

Dreaming of That Perfect Fit

by , on
April 13, 2013
finding love after divorce

photo credit JourneyEversPhotography

After divorce we feel defeated in love.  We might stop believing in it altogether.

We may be spending what little energy we have left after the battle, providing and being there for our children.   We’ve stopped believing in fairy tales but the time will come eventually when we look forward to new relationship(s).

Maybe we’re even looking for that perfect fit we call love.  You know what I mean…that someone out there who holds the key to our heart, if only we knew where to find them!

Who holds the key to your heart?

Silence Is NOT Golden – divorce abuse

by , on
April 6, 2013

silence is not golden-divorce abuseFrom the archives; I’m re-posting this one because there is so much of this happening.  Many women and some men are dealing with an abusive ex.

Abuse during divorce is more common than we realize.  When we take the step to end our marriage, we extricate ourselves from the marital turmoil only to find ourselves the target of even more abusive behaviors.  The ex can become aggressive, verbally abusive, threatening, and sometimes

Quote of the Week

by , on
April 3, 2013

I was thinking it would be sweet to make Wednesdays our ‘quote of the week’ day.  So let’s begin with something fun.

“Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy.” Benjamin Franklin

quote of the day

You’re Sexy and You Know It

by , on
March 10, 2013

you're sexy and you know itLast spring I posted Finding Your Inner Sex Goddess.  We talked about our sensuality and using all of our senses to feel sexy again.  Consider this to be Part II of that post because you’re sexy and you know it!  I recently read on Huffington Post that women are happier and feel sexier after divorce. 

Finding Your Thinking Place

by , on
February 6, 2013
Finding your thinking place

photo purchased from Dreamstime

In times of change, we need to go inside ourselves and think. We need a quiet place where we can listen to our heart.

When we arrive at a crossroads, we need to take time for ourselves to be quiet, to unplug. In our lives full of constant communication, we need more than ever to learn

10 Ways to Lift Your Spirits in November

by , on
November 3, 2012

10 Ways to Lift Your Spirits in NovemberThe days are getting shorter, the nights colder.  Although we can’t bring back the light of the summer and we can’t stop the rain from falling on our heads, there are always the simple, small ways to lift our spirits. 

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