Such a small word for so large a meaning. To be brave even when you fear it. Whatever ‘it’ might be. I wrote in my art journal with a white pen on black painted paper (setting the mood), exactly what I needed to hear. Funny how that works. Well, the purpose of journaling truly is to help us muddle through emotions, doubts and life stuff. As I re-read this passage, I felt it might be helpful to my readers.
Today, I am cautiously introducing to you, Nora M. Parker, my night time poet pseudonym or perhaps my muse, and alter ego.
Although I have only published one of her poems here—something she reminds me often—I plan to include more of her night poems here in the near future.
I will warn you that she has a bit of an attitude. Without further ado, welcome Nora M. Parker to the blog…
Do you dab life away? What do I mean by this? Well, I’m currently taking an online watercolor class. This is a new medium for me. I’ve painted in oils and mostly acrylics. Watercolor is a different animal altogether. I find myself dabbing away what I’ve put on the paper. In fear. Fear of what? Paint blobs.
Pride is one of the 7 deadly sins. Ironically, it’s an important part of the parent/child relationship. Have you ever heard your mom or dad tell someone how proud they are of you? Have they ever told you directly how proud they are of your accomplishments or just YOU in general?
Welcome to Part II of my art journey and the lessons I’ve learned. Do check out Part I, if you haven’t yet.
In the years leading up to today, I have learned many lessons from this journey. Not just about studio space design, or perfect lighting or the fact that when I get a studio, something happens whereby I have to leave it behind…but the lessons I want to share with you now are deeper than the space I create in.
Hello Escapees, how is life lately for you? I’ve been away and then sick so have been absent here at the blog for a while. I drafted this post a few weeks ago, so you’ll notice where I’ve provided an update. It’s not my typical blog post but always fun to let you in on what I’m up to.
Sit down, relax and pour yourself a glass of vino.
You may recall, that I mentioned The Wine Diaries-Musings On Divorce Paired With Wine would be published in late autumn 2018. Well, that hasn’t happened. It isn’t because of procrastination so much as letting the manuscript mellow along with further wine tasting. Essentially, it’s a little wine with whine…
First, I want to wish a Happy New Year to my Escapees! I hope it isn’t too late for that sentiment. What does 2019 have in store for you? Are you being kind to yourself and treating yourself with compassion. Are you turning off your inner critic? I’ve been reading a lot of posts about that very thing lately. And I couldn’t agree more with the importance of being kind not only to others but self.
But that’s not what we’re delving into today. I tricked you there, 😛
image; Jan’spageofawesomeness tumblr
It’s mid-September already and we’re fast approaching autumn equinox. The cooler days, the turning leaves, cozy blankets and sweaters, corn on the cob, fresh picked apples, and warm cider are just a few of my favorite things.
It’s also a time for changing things up. So, how do you like the new look of lisathomsonlive? I hope you do as much as I. Take a moment to look around and if there’s anything out of place or hard to navigate give me a shout via email or here in the comments.
Help me out here, guys. I’ve been on Instagram since 2011. I’ve noticed many changes over the last seven years. I’m not a fan of those changes, or maybe I just don’t get it.
My account was public at first but in 2014 I changed it to private. My thinking was, I was basically
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