After divorce we feel defeated in love. We might stop believing in it altogether.
We may be spending what little energy we have left after the battle, providing and being there for our children. We’ve stopped believing in fairy tales but the time will come eventually when we look forward to new relationship(s).
Maybe we’re even looking for that perfect fit we call love. You know what I mean…that someone out there who holds the key to our heart, if only we knew where to find them!
Can we talk about the hot flashes, ladies? I should invite the men to weigh in as well. I believe men experience them too but maybe not as intensely. When these first began, I didn’t even realize it was really a hot flash, per se. Every night around 10 pm I would warm right up and have to take off my sweater or a layer. I just thought the room had warmed up for some odd reason.
That’s Anita on the far right. Root friend. All of these ladies are root friends. That’s me second from left.
Right now I’m packing for an adeventure of a lifetime. I wanted to let you know I’ll be away for the rest of the month. I can’t even believe it myself.
So, last December (almost a year ago) my good friend and I hatched a plan. It was a plan that I didn’t really think would happen. Just talk. But no. We’re doing it!
This is not a style blog but it is a Goddess blog. There are no affiliate links just some fun style talk here.
So, April the first full month of spring season kind of came and went quickly for me. there were highs and lows this month which I suppose sped time up.
Art journaling is a ‘thing’. Have you tried it yet? I first heard about it a few years ago and was intrigued. There are many ways to do it but pretty much only one reason; therapy. Specifically to mentally unwind, go wild, let go and unlock your creative juices and your emotions.
image source yoganonomous
Every Saturday I attend yoga class but it’s not just any old yoga class. It’s Goddess class. Our teacher calls on one of the ancient Goddesses during class and has us all join her, while holding our Goddess pose. We may call on Kali to conquer our fears or Aditi to overcome obstacles we are facing. Goddess To The Rescue!
Just look at the power in the Goddess (Fierce) pose (pictured above). The legs, abdominal and arms all firing and increasing blood flow, generating heat and with that our own physical power.
This class is affectionately referred to as ‘Goddess class’ although it’s not named that on the schedule. Our teacher has
Who’s that girl? They whisper as you walk away. “I used to know her when…” Reluctant to look you in the eye, they’ll watch you walk away. Their eyes burn your back. Talking to one another in hushed tones, they lean together conspiratorially. You would smile and say hello if only they would acknowledge you. Even so, you walk away with your head held high.
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