So, I need your help in relation to my upcoming humorous book, I Don’t Drink Alone and Other Lies. One of the lies I tell in this book is: “I can still stop traffic”. Of course, I clarify this lie with a grain of truth (as I do in all the lies I tell in the book). The truth is that I can still stop traffic at a pedestrian crossing, especially the ones with lights.
They say we remember moments in our life, not days. We remember how someone made us feel, not the words they use. I agree with these statements, 100% (although, I do remember words). But let’s not rule out SCENT. Scent evokes a moment, a feeling, sharp memories and a STORY.
I’m still here. It’s been quiet here but I’m —STILL.
I’m still singing along to the radio
I’m still lying awake and staring at the ceiling
I’m still asking why
I’ve had a fondness for pajamas for as long as I can remember. As a young child I recall mourning my pajamas when my mother confiscated them. She had decided they were too small for me. Just because my arms and legs were extending far beyond the leg and arm holes? I beg of you. Have mercy on a child who loves her pajamas. When I went in search of the trash bag I suspected contained my worn out pajamas, I found gold. Those pajamas lasted another year.
You’ll notice I didn’t ask about a second marriage because that’s practically a Gimme. It’s expected, even. It’s considered a sign of moving on. A third marriage? That’s more like a Mulligan (you will use it judicially and with caution). Why the golf analogy, you may be wondering. I don’t even know, it just popped into my head. Maybe because my ex was an avid golfer.
We’re in full swing summer season now. Do you have a summer bucket list? What have you checked off?
I’m not one to make bucket lists. I keep my to do’s in a journal and in my brain. Every summer though, there are certain things I know I want to do. Like, take a dip in the ocean. Full-head-in-kind of dip. It’s colder than heck but it feels amazing. Picking the berries right off the bush, is also a must-do for me.
It’s easy to let summer’s fleeting season pass us by. It comes and goes so quickly but luckily I have a summer fun recipe you’ll love…guaranteed to make your summer joy happen. This post has been updated from the archives.
I’ve recently discovered the show “Better Things” on FX. I was taken with MC, Samantha (also my Starbucks pseudonym) when I happened upon an episode featuring her getting frustrated with her lover. What she said to him, few women dare to go there in bed. I’ll leave it at that. Do I have your imagination going in a few directions?
Feeling Overwhelmed? Self care is always in vogue but I can’t think of a more urgent time than now, to take care of our body and mind. Following the news, specifically in the U.S., can cause our heart rates to speed up, stress hormones to release and trigger all kinds of negative energy. Now, more than ever we really need to remember the importance of self care. I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know but consider this a strong reminder.
The darkness is falling simultaneously with more violence and political unrest. Although we cannot ignore it, too much focus on this causes sadness and energy depletion. So, today let’s look at how to take care of our own spirit to ensure we can continue taking care of the ones we love and get the most out of life.
It’s been quite a while since I’ve posted on this meme; Catch Up Over Coffee. So, it’s time for a chat over espresso or maybe you prefer plain old drip. Cream? Sugar? Help yourself…it’s on the table.
I’ve been getting random comments on archived blog posts. Many of them from law firms or lawyers. These are legitimate comments and even thoughtful and interesting. They are definitely not spam. Apparently a blog post lives on, long after we’ve written it. I guess it’s what they call ‘evergreen’ content. The other ones that continue to garner comments are 5 Tips To Handle the Divorce Bully and Narcissist or A**hole? Know the Difference. In case you missed either of those and you need help with a bully or narc, then check those out.
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