I can’t believe it. It’s my tenth Blog-giversary! Ten years of blogging here at lisathomsonlive. Notice how the word ‘giver’ is found in this term bloggiversary. It’s fitting, isn’t it? We bloggers give a ton. Words, ideas, solutions, time…Time does fly while you’re having fun. Best of all, fellow bloggers who have become my online friends have enriched this whole blogging thing.
Gosh, where has November gone? Even though I’ve been operating on low-key status, the month still has flown by. While I should be editing my latest manuscript, I’ve been creating instead. Also, guiltily, I’ve been watching Netflix, HBO and FX and a little Colbert and Myers on the side.
So, not the most productive time in my life but also giving myself a break as I wrote about last week in Thinking About…Things.
Hello Escapees, how is life lately for you? I’ve been away and then sick so have been absent here at the blog for a while. I drafted this post a few weeks ago, so you’ll notice where I’ve provided an update. It’s not my typical blog post but always fun to let you in on what I’m up to.
Before we start, let me apologize for the length of this post. I tried to reduce it but there was just so much to talk about. Soon after watching the finale of Big Little Lies, I was compelled to write a review of sorts. Of course, I’m no expert on television except to say that I’m a fan of HBO. I also tried to get this published while it was still fresh but a week has passed. Let’s hope my Escapees still care and maybe even other women looking to understand this complex set of characters.
Let’s get into the nitty gritty of this much anticipated season two of Big Little Lies. It’s been highly criticized this season for not living up to the hype surrounding its premiere. Before you read further though, know that this contains *spoilers*.
Are you like me and have a hard time asking for help? You don’t want to burden your friends so you tell them you’re okay when you’re actually falling down a hole so deep you fear bumping into Alice?
I can’t think of a more appropriate time than during separation and divorce that we require help from family and friends. All at once we’re single parenting, dealing with lawyers, moving, starting a new career or educational program. Yet we try to manage it alone. We think if we can’t manage it all alone, we must be weak. There must be something wrong with us if we need help.
That’s Anita on the far right. Root friend. All of these ladies are root friends. That’s me second from left.
Right now I’m packing for an adeventure of a lifetime. I wanted to let you know I’ll be away for the rest of the month. I can’t even believe it myself.
So, last December (almost a year ago) my good friend and I hatched a plan. It was a plan that I didn’t really think would happen. Just talk. But no. We’re doing it!
This little blog turns 6 today! Wow, where has the time gone? The original post is here and I believe I’ve stayed fairly true to my purpose. That said, I see myself branching out as time goes on. I’m not sure what those branches will be, in all honesty. Maybe more focus on well-being and less focus on specific divorce issues?
I wrote this months ago and have hesitated in posting it until now. I can’t say why except that it’s putting a piece of my heart out here.
I think that’s called being “vulnerable“. Here goes.
Even though my friend passed away over a year ago, his memory is often with me. Every once in a while, I’ll see an older man on the street and think of *Craig. Then I’ll remember some random thing he told me or some funny mannerism of his.
When things get tough, that’s when you count your blessings. Absolutely. True. Literally nothing can get me down because I have so many good things and people in my life. How can I possibly complain? I can’t.
Before I begin my gratitude list, I must mention I am linking up with Lyndsey, Beth and Charlotte for the What’s Up Weekend Gratitude List.
Here’s my gratitude list;
What are you grateful for today? What’s on your mind?
You can join the blog link-up today by writing your own grateful list, and visiting those blogs as well. Have a great weekend, my Escapees!
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