When the news story broke the other day regarding Felicity Huffman’s and Lori Loughlin’s illegal purchase of their children’s elite education, I was intrigued but not shocked. It’s not surprising to learn (as we have since Trump has been in the Oval Office) the power of money. But is this story simply about the power of money or is it about bad parenting? I guess it’s both.
Are you a single mom of a hockey player or a equestrian horse rider? How do you make ends meet and for how long can you sustain the costs of your kid’s high priced sport?
Check it out; There is a big difference between horseback riding and equestrian riding, tennis and golf, roller hockey and ice hockey, ski lessons amd ski racing. The substantial difference in not only cost but commitment on the part of your child(ren) and the family as a whole.
Okay, so this wasn’t so much a question as it was a comment. Sometimes people simply want to share their story but without seeking advice. However, Penniless makes for a great case study, if you will, on divorce and what can go wrong and how to fix it.
Ideally, we would hire the best lawyer in town to handle our divorce proceedings. That’s not reality, however. The fact of the matter is very few of us can afford a top lawyer, and even many more can barely afford a bottom of the heap lawyer (not that we would recognize that until we’re half way through).
The sad truth about our divorce law is, it isn’t keeping up with the digital age and does nothing to rectify an economic divide when it comes to legal services.
“I have been a divorce lawyer for 20 years and the last time Canada’s Divorce Act was changed was in 1986, pre-dating the internet. In other words, Family Law in Canada operates as if the internet didn’t happen.”-Andrew Feldstein
That may be slowly changing though I’ll expand on that in a moment.
The question becomes should we spend our children’s education fund or our very last penny in our savings account on a lawyer? What choice do we have and how can we mitigate our financial losses during divorce.
Maybe while we were married we could afford to let a little money ‘go missing’ or be ‘stolen’ from our wallet but things change when we get divorced. If you’re a single parent, you’re likely on a budget or at the very least cognizant of where your pennies are going. Maybe you just want to tighten up your
Why do moms lose custody of their children? Furthermore, how does a mom cope when she loses custody of her children?
Well, there are many reasons it can happen. Addiction, neglect or abuse would be list toppers. In those cases, it makes sense for the welfare of the children. I’ve read blogs written by mothers who have given up their
Before I begin, this is NOT a sponsored post.
So, let’s talk about the ‘M’ word. No one wants to, right? Talking about money in any way, shape or form tends to cause anxiety in most of us. It does in me, I know that. We’re worried we don’t have enough, what we do have is somehow already spent and we won’t have enough in the future.
First, YES, you are worthy. WE are all worthy. Except isn’t it true that we have been either taught or heard that recording in our minds that says we are NOT worthy? WE do not deserve…but it’s a lie. An absolute lie. You are worthy and deserving.
synonyms: | virtuous, righteous, good, moral, ethical, upright, upstanding, high-minded, principled, exemplary; More |
Believing we are worthy is the very first step toward wanting & striving for a better life. For example, accepting that we do in fact deserve: that mother’s day card, that hug, that raise, that promotion, that love…
Today’s post is written and sponsored by Canterbury Law Group out of Scottsdale Arizona.
Their tips are spot on and this is a must read for anyone thinking of ending their marriage…
We all know divorce has become common over the last several decades. Although there may be certain factors associated with divorce that are negative, at least women (and men) today can divorce a spouse and move on to achieve a healthy, happy and thriving future. Women today don’t need to be in a marriage to live a full life; we can prosper on our own.
Maxine is owned by Hallmark but she likes to visit me here
I wouldn’t have ever thought someone would ask me for tips on keeping the household organized during divorce 😉 They obviously don’t know me, right? Well, to be fair I did learn a thing or two about correcting some of my own disorganization during divorce. I guess I am qualified to write this post, after all.
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