In 1922, author Elizabeth von Armin’s novel Enchanted April was published. Surprising Elizabeth as much as anyone else, it took the book world by storm. Hailed as a “delicious confection” capable of “working its magic on all”. The story is so good that it was made into a film 70 plus years later!
The plot? Four women want to escape their unhappy marriages, at least for a while. They find themselves in Italy…
Why feel lost when we’re all here, your on-line supporters and friends? Lisa’s divorce support round-up promises to offer something for every kind of divorce; high conflict, co-Parenting with a jerk, looking for love, having trouble dealing with your off the charts, emotions? I could go on and on because the issues we face during divorce are infinite in their variety.
When I was scrolling through my facebook feed a while back I came across this question; Which TV mom are you? I had to laugh. Immediately, I chose Lorelei Gilmore, not because of the young and hot factor. I wish. It’s her attitude and general outlook on life I can relate to. But I have to admit I see a little of myself in many of these beloved characters.
Isn’t that the brilliance of the writers who create these characters? They make our problems seem small or they make us say “Oh, so it isn’t just me…”
Let’s take a look at some of these TV moms and you tell me— which one are you?
You’re Christy from Mom if: You’re struggling to pay the bills, your mother lives with you and she likes to party more than you, you’re divorced, had a brief affair with your boss, you’re in rehab, you’re trying your best to protect your children from your crazy mother and other life disasters.
image source; pinterest
This post was updated June, 2020.
So, a while back I posted Lisa’s Divorce Movie Countdown. It was very well received so I thought it was time for a tv version.
It’s always great to discover a new show that makes you laugh and cry but mostly one that you can relate to the characters so much that you feel they’re living your story. Okay, I haven’t found a divorce show quite as good as all that but I have found some that are pretty realistic and entertaining at the same time.
How many of you are best friends or let me re-word that; how many of you are simply friends with your ex? I know it’s quite a concept—yet, I believe many strive for that. If we can rise above co-parenting conflict and the division of assets there might be a chance. However, from what I’ve seen it’s about a 20% chance of retaining or working toward friendship post
Well, that was easy. Kody and Meri pressed the easy button and voila, they’re divorced. I guess when you have four wives divorcing one isn’t a big loss. In the case of TLC’s Sister Wives, there is no loss at all for Kody. He and Meri will remain “close”. She’s still a Sister Wife, just not legally married to Kody after 25 years of putting up with his other 15 children, and multiple wives.
Are you inked? If not, are you thinking about getting a tattoo? Are these thoughts connected to an event in your life such as divorce, marriage, death, love? It’s human nature to want to mark an event with a celebration or a ceremony and sometimes with INK.
Last year I wrote about Alicia Florrick of The Good Wife. I took a look at her character and how she sacrifices for a cheating husband. She’s a great character study in discussing marriage, divorce, sacrifice and loyalty (heavy stuff). If you missed it you can read it here. So, after watching last week’s episode with a killer twist, I was moved to write once again, about Alicia Florrick and why we don’t want to be her.
An interesting topic I tackled over at DivorcedMoms today… Should or did you go back to your Maiden name after divorce? First, what’s in a name? This was famously answered by Shakespeare’s Juliet…”A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” I beg to differ, Juliet. We might be the very same person inside but changing our name can change our whole perception. Why else do actors and musicians take on a ‘stage name’? To empower themselves…
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