Who’s That Girl?

by , on
September 27, 2016
who's that girl

image source creative commons

Who’s that girl? They whisper as you walk away. “I used to know her when…” Reluctant to look you in the eye, they’ll watch you walk away. Their eyes burn your back. Talking to one another in hushed tones, they lean together conspiratorially. You would smile and say hello if only they would acknowledge you. Even so, you walk away with your head held high.

If Your Life Is A Book

by , on
September 15, 2016
if your life is a book


“One must always be careful of books,” said Tessa, “and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel
If your life is a book, what chapter are you in? Is your ‘life book’ a drama, mystery, comedy, erotic, classic or young adult read?

I’m not sure what chapter I’m in but I hope it’s somewhere in the middle. The saggy middle. That’s the part of the story where we have to continue the suspense and rising action or we’ll get bored and abandon the book. How many chapters will our life even contain? While we don’t know the answer to this, an unknown ending is what keeps us moving forward.

Destiny Or Decision?

by , on
May 10, 2016

decision or destiny?I was recently told “You are very much a daughter of destiny.”

It’s an interesting statement. It begs the question; Are our experiences and life-events destined or are they a result of our own decisions?

Recipe For A New You After Divorce

by , on
February 17, 2016

I’m delighted to introduce to you my guest today, Liv of Live By Surprise. Lively Liv as I like to call her 🙂 If you’ve been anywhere on divorce support blogs and sites you’ll likely see her name. She’s full of energy and writing all over the place because everyone wants to know what she thinks…here she is now!

Try and Try Again

by , on
November 30, 2015


try and try againWow, you guys it’s almost the end of November! WTF and where does the time even go? Life is like an hourglass glued to the table. No one can find the rewind button…Anyway just some random thoughts. I realize that for my American Escapees it is was a big week for y’all. Giving thanks and eating good food,

Divorce With Style

by , on
November 17, 2015

Madonna-image source gilsproducitonblogspot

If you’re going to go for it you might as well do it in style. Yup, divorce style. I’m not talking about clothing either. This isn’t a fashion blog. Sometimes I wish it was. Then I could talk about shoes, hand bags, make up, cashmere vs. silk (which I have the odd time). Instead, I talk about lawyers, divorce law, parental alienation, bullies,

10 Things We Can Learn From Erin Brockovich

by , on
September 29, 2015
10 things to learn from erin brockovitch

image source popcorn-time-free.com

Last week, I found myself watching Erin Brockovich for the up-teenth time. If you have never seen the movie (have you been living under a rock?) then I highly recommend. It was released in 2000 so I guess, like us, it’s considered a classic by now. It was airing on TCM channel, which was my first hint that I’ve likely seen this movie more times

Are You Worthy?

by , on
September 8, 2015

First, YES, you are worthy. WE are all worthy. Except isn’t it true that we have been either taught or heard that recording in our minds that says we are NOT worthy? WE do not deserve…but it’s a lie. An absolute lie. You are worthy and deserving.

adjective: worthy; comparative adjective: worthier; superlative adjective: worthiest
  1. deserving effort, attention, or respect.
    “generous donations to worthy causes”

Believing we are worthy is the very first step toward wanting & striving for a better life. For example, accepting that we do in fact deserve: that mother’s day card, that hug, that raise, that promotion, that love…

Alone But Connected #1000Speak

by , on
May 20, 2015

What's Inspiring You?#1000VoicesSpeak for Compassion today and on the 20th of every month. The subject this month? CONNECTION. We don’t always feel it. My first thought on this topic was how often I have felt disconnected but my constant connection has been nature. If you ever feel alone or lonely…

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